
Well Jiwon did rape Dong-gyun twice around ch 22-25 so its a little unsurprising what Mingwa is doing here...Shes very good at contructing stories in a way to make you sympathise with certain characters eventually thats probably why BJ alex felt okay. The story and art was amazing but it reallh shows that abuse only seems bad depending on how you present it.
I'm repeating what a lot of ppl have already said in the comments, but this honestly makes me sad.
BJ Alex is one of my favs and although Alex was pretty toxic in the beginning, much like Jaekyung, for some reason it was okay at the end (eventho it was a bit rushed). But this????? THIS????? I can't even begin to express the hurt I feel. I just don't see how Jae will ever change. All the things about Dan that should've/could've changed his whole personality, didn't even do jack shit to him. Not even Dan being one split second away of getting r*ped. "But he beat up the bad guys and paid of his debt." Okay and? Not him victim blaming the whole time tho.
"But Jae is such a nice person, he visited Dan's grandma, he's an angel" LIKE I CARE.
All of it is FULL of bullshit. I hate this so much. Esp the direction it's going now (Dan falling for Jaekyung).
I'll stick around for the art and because of my curiosity how this will end but my disappointment in the author won't disappear.