The internalized misogyny and homophobia are what driven her death. A proof that transgend...

Mess in distress November 21, 2023 9:26 pm

The internalized misogyny and homophobia are what driven her death. A proof that transgenderism is a sexist homophobic ideology, and people who suffer real gender dysphoria are mentally ill. You don't tell to a schizophrenic person that their delusions are real.

Edit: I love how the user @Eugh, a straight woman who identifies as a man and calls herself "gay man", replies to people yet block them in order to avoid her little world getting shattered. I'll reply here since that clown blocked me.
Transgenderism is a pseudo-science created by John Money, a paedophile. Define man and woman without using pseudo-science and sexist stereotypes?
Anyways, LGBdroptheTQ+ won the court. We don't have to tolerate your parasitic asses anymore

Edit 2: @Eugh, define a woman and man without resorting to sexist stereotypes and pseudo science. Also, don't bother to reply if you block me clown

    Eugh July 19, 2023 12:45 am

    Clown ass thing to say

    cid September 2, 2023 10:28 am

    kys ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Mellissa September 2, 2023 12:53 pm
    kys ლ(´ڡ`ლ) cid

    I won't. I cherish my life too much for killing myself. Sorry, but biological reality is not bigotry

    Mellissa September 2, 2023 12:55 pm
    kys ლ(´ڡ`ლ) cid

    But to you, but Ugh, a coward who blocks people when she replies to them. Define a man and woman without using to sexist stereotypes

    Mellissa September 2, 2023 12:57 pm
    But to you, but Ugh, a coward who blocks people when she replies to them. Define a man and woman without using to sexist stereotypes Mellissa

    *But to you

    rosaa1 September 13, 2023 9:10 am

    trans people have existed since ancient times. perhaps you should do research instead of making uninformed comments.

    cid September 13, 2023 10:16 am
    But to you, but Ugh, a coward who blocks people when she replies to them. Define a man and woman without using to sexist stereotypes Mellissa

    bitch i didn’t even block you.. get your transphobic ass out of here

    Karina's lover September 13, 2023 3:59 pm
    trans people have existed since ancient times. perhaps you should do research instead of making uninformed comments. rosaa1

    Gender dysphoria is a rare case and a mental illness. People suffering it need help, not gender "affirming" care that is mutilation.
    Fetishes and autogyneophlia existed, your point?
    Flat Earthers, religion, atheism, etc_ have always existed but they are beliefs, so is transgenderism that is a delusion.
    Trans people exist but their movement is an ideology that people are free to reject

    Karina's lover September 13, 2023 4:00 pm
    bitch i didn’t even block you.. get your transphobic ass out of here cid

    I meant "not to you"; ever heard of a typo? Anyways, as expected from someone who tell to others to kill themselves because of a disagreement lol.
    A) I don't will myself.
    B) transphobia lost its meaning because of its activists. Disagreeing does not equal to hate.

    Karina's lover September 13, 2023 4:03 pm
    trans people have existed since ancient times. perhaps you should do research instead of making uninformed comments. rosaa1

    So cannibalism, segregation, colonization, again your point?
    Fetishes and mental illnesses have always existed

    kumagoro-ryuichi October 1, 2023 2:29 pm

    kys terf

    kumagoro-ryuichi October 1, 2023 2:30 pm
    kys terf kumagoro-ryuichi

    wrong reply i ment to reply to one of the other replies in the replies

    kumagoro-ryuichi October 1, 2023 2:31 pm
    wrong reply i ment to reply to one of the other replies in the replies kumagoro-ryuichi

    how the hell do i delete a comment om confusing myself anyway transphobes go drink cement and suffocate

    Karina's lover October 1, 2023 2:42 pm
    wrong reply i ment to reply to one of the other replies in the replies kumagoro-ryuichi

    1) You can't delete your comment(s) when you reply to people on Mangago.
    2) Terf isn't an insult but a compliment that should be taken as a badge of honour. Caring and protecting women, children and Lab's rights isn't transphobia.
    3) I won't kill myself because I cherish my life and adore it.
    4) how brave and stunning to tell people to kill themselves

    cherrycolll November 21, 2023 6:16 am

    The only sane response

    Mess in distress November 21, 2023 9:22 pm
    The only sane response cherrycolll

    Thank you:)

    GummyGum December 5, 2023 12:20 am

    A sane answer

    Mess in distress December 5, 2023 12:21 am
    A sane answer GummyGum


    BoxyTrash December 9, 2023 1:34 am
    Gender dysphoria is a rare case and a mental illness. People suffering it need help, not gender "affirming" care that is mutilation. Fetishes and autogyneophlia existed, your point?Flat Earthers, religion, athe... Karina's lover

    The gender affirming care IS the help.
    Any other "help" such as conversion therapy has proven to be either useless or absolutely harmful and make the trans person be more miserable while gender affirming care has yielded results of the trans individual being happier

    Also, why do you care so much what grown adults do with their private parts? I do not like making assumptions but you are more weird and gross for that than the strawman toilet predator trans people your lot likes to fearmonger about.

    And before you say "BuT thE CHildrEn" make some research, minors most of the time aren't allowed to get gender affirming surgery. Yes they are allowed to get puberty blockers but those are reversible.

    And oh cuz you might bring this up so I will do it first: Detransitioners are very very rare and most of the time actually detransition because of social pressure (as in not being accepted by your community for example) rather than having been wrong.

    Also the difference between transgenderism, and religion and flat earthers is that, unlike a flat earth or a god which one has scientifically been disproven and the other not been proven at all, is that transgenderism has been scientfically a proven phenomenon that happens within human biology/sociology/anthropology you name it.

    And if you need any sources I will be happy to rummage through my notes and give them to you <3

    Mess in distress December 9, 2023 2:12 am
    The gender affirming care IS the help. Any other "help" such as conversion therapy has proven to be either useless or absolutely harmful and make the trans person be more miserable while gender affirming care h... BoxyTrash

    I read your reply. I read the so called sources that are simply a propaganda that homophobic incels, women victims of patriarchy and think that mutilating their bodies in order to fight against misogyny and gender roles, kids and teens being groomed, rapists mostly men aka males, and pharmaceutical companies making profits. So no, thanks, I don't need to waste my time over pseudo science benefiting incels.

    "Gender affirming care" is a form of conversion, a homophobic and sexist conversion that encourage mutilation of bodies, mostly kids being groomed.

    Define what a 'woman' and 'man' is without relying on sexist stereotypes, pseudo science and feelings.

    I don't care what grown adults do, as long as they stay away from vulnerable children and teens, stop changing the definition of homosexuality, men invading women's spaces, and incels and mentally ill people coercing others to play pretend with them. If they'd stfu and stop insisting we go along with their delusions, I would not have cared. They have passed and crossed the line of calling them by their favorite prounous to invide women's spaces and beat up LGB people.

    Nonsense. Gender dysphoric is an extremely rare mental illness no different than anorexia and schizophrenia, and it is weaponized by incels, homophobes and attention seekers. "Academia" and the so called anthropology and scientific fields you are talking about are filled by propagandist, no different that racists and segregationists wanting to justify racism.