Can't Irie just, you know, compromise with 'let's just stay as friends, so go on and rejec...

Yori October 21, 2016 1:14 pm

Can't Irie just, you know, compromise with 'let's just stay as friends, so go on and reject me outright' (if he can't refuse Sousuke's pleas since the guy doesn't have any friends who would accept his 'clumsiness') rather than testing out a relationship with Sousuke. I mean, of course, we do know that, most likely, Sousuke would fall in love with Irie for some time, but this is quite a risky and painful investment for Irie. He just dug a deeper grave for himself...

gaaaawwwwdddd, this is making me feel anxious :)))

    kyaaa October 21, 2016 2:37 pm

    he doesn't want to be friends with sosuke, he wants more but he can't say no to him either bc he is too cute

    Nanahoo October 21, 2016 3:41 pm

    I thik t would be rather painful for irie and nearly impossible for him to move on if they would just stay friends. I mean if you have always your crush befor your eyes and you are always getting touched by him ( cause of his clumsiness) it's really hard to surpress your feelings . I think Irie would do the right think to end the contact, I mean it is pitifull that the guy doesn't have friends but Irie should think of his happiness first