comments are back!! yaayyy!! theory time!!

monalisa718 July 14, 2023 7:30 am

okay so I think Jaekyung is already in love with Dan but doesn't realize it yet. More than likely he will have a regret arc where he loses Dan for whatever reason, and that's when he looks back at moments like this (chapter 28 especially) and realize he was in love all along. There's no way he paid off his debt, and granny's hospital bills just to get laid. Whether it's love or obsession, he wants Dan and Dan ONLY.

That being said, I think Dan is starting to worry that he's losing control of his body whenever he's with Jaekyung. He's starting to feel physical pleasure but he hates it bc it reminds him of that doc that sexually harassed him.

Now, on tiktok, the whole Jinx fandom is having a heated debate about whether the last two lines of ch. 28 were JJ's or Dan's. Personally, I realize that throughout the whole story JJ's thoughts have always been in squares and Dan's in circles. But i just don't buy JJ thinking those things. I feel like he wouldn't admit to his feelings (yet), even just to himself. Besides, the whole chap was in Dan's pov. I guess we'll just have to wait for Ch. 29 for the answer.

Either way, this story has me hooked ╥﹏╥
I love to hate it and I hate to love it.

    Titanide July 14, 2023 7:47 am

    I'm pretty sure that all the inner thoughts are Dan's POV because they don't suit JJ's character at all, but we'll see what happens next...

    monalisa718 July 14, 2023 7:49 am
    I'm pretty sure that all the inner thoughts are Dan's POV because they don't suit JJ's character at all, but we'll see what happens next... Titanide

    glad I'm not the only one! It really seemed WAYY out of character for him. As much as i want him to change, and i think it's happening, it isn't at THAT level yet for him imo