Fuck me dude

°•☆eddie☆•° July 13, 2023 2:53 pm

Ok. I understand that there is (hopefully) going to be a redemption arc for eyebrows over here or something, but at this rate; I'm going to literally drop the manwha if Dan forgives and FALLS IN LOVE WITH HIM. This guy is so shitty to everyone and just because he's famous or a celebrity does not give him the right to be a shitty person. Literally fucking abuse. If he falls for his abuser, I'm sorry that is a black flag at this point.
There is no way this is salvageable regardless of how gorgeous the art is.

    JALLY July 13, 2023 3:09 pm

    Just drop it at that point bc why’re you still reading?

    Elihinata July 13, 2023 3:12 pm

    Right? If he has a redemption arc and THEN they fall in love, then ok, we can’t overlook that shitty beginning.... but like... that seme hasn’t soften even one tiny bit? Like what healthy feelings could Dan even have? ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ

    LuluKillua July 13, 2023 4:04 pm
    Just drop it at that point bc why’re you still reading? JALLY

    even if they drop it they're allowed to complain

    JALLY July 13, 2023 4:26 pm
    even if they drop it they're allowed to complain LuluKillua

    They are but I’m just stating the obvious bc you can kinda tell it’s gonna go the way they don’t want it to go.

    Sir donewithyoshit July 13, 2023 5:12 pm
    They are but I’m just stating the obvious bc you can kinda tell it’s gonna go the way they don’t want it to go. JALLY

    real upsetting seeing rape constantly covered in glitter in all these stories... especially knowing 14 y/o ''fujos'' read it and think it's okay concerning.

    JALLY July 13, 2023 5:29 pm
    real upsetting seeing rape constantly covered in glitter in all these stories... especially knowing 14 y/o ''fujos'' read it and think it's okay concerning. Sir donewithyoshit

    Bros fucking chronically online as shit, go touch grass instead of fighting everybody under the comment section, weirdo. I don’t agree with underage kids reading adult manwhas bc they’re mind is still developing but there’s nth wrong with adults liking fictional shit like this as long as it stays fiction.

    Sir donewithyoshit July 13, 2023 5:37 pm
    real upsetting seeing rape constantly covered in glitter in all these stories... especially knowing 14 y/o ''fujos'' read it and think it's okay concerning. Sir donewithyoshit

    LOL just block me anon.
    (⌒▽⌒) I do go outside lol. Never 'chronically' been online. That'd require free time.
    I'm not fighting anyone.
    Nothing wrong with commenting. That's what they're for.
    If you have a problem with my comments sorry, then.
    Nothing wrong with adults liking fictions, but damn, this has zero plot...
    Tired of the constant r-pe in BL, why can't [female] authors actually learn how to write.

    °•☆eddie☆•° July 13, 2023 7:09 pm
    Just drop it at that point bc why’re you still reading? JALLY

    Because I'm rooting for Dan. He's a compelling character and I want to see his arc. And I do plan on dropping it if there isnt even a hint of change (not that there will be)

    JALLY July 13, 2023 9:06 pm
    Because I'm rooting for Dan. He's a compelling character and I want to see his arc. And I do plan on dropping it if there isnt even a hint of change (not that there will be) °•☆eddie☆•°

    Yk, so why do you still read? Bc at that point you have to be lying to yourself. Save yourself some anger and just drop it now but if you continue, yk that’s your fault?

    Sir donewithyoshit July 14, 2023 12:38 am
    LOL just block me anon.(⌒▽⌒) I do go outside lol. Never 'chronically' been online. That'd require free time.I'm not fighting anyone.Nothing wrong with commenting. That's what they're for.If you have a pro... Sir donewithyoshit

    We're all well aware. If you hate us bashing him so much...just ignore us?

    "why do you even read it?" why do people always comment that?
    If people can downplay rape because the excuse is 'he's a fictional character' we can bash his toxic ass all we want. What's gonna happen? His feelings will be hurt? But he's fictional.
    We're curious to see what happens. What's wrong with people reading a story meant to be read ffs?

    JALLY July 14, 2023 1:32 am
    Because I'm rooting for Dan. He's a compelling character and I want to see his arc. And I do plan on dropping it if there isnt even a hint of change (not that there will be) °•☆eddie☆•°

    Son of a fucking bitch, learn to fucking read. Point out where I’m hating on that person for “bashing” him? I’m being real. Why would they still continue to read KNOWING the damn outcome? They literally said they would DROP IT, if the Ml don’t change and even they said themselves, they know he wouldn’t change, which was why I said, drop it bc they KNOW what’s gonna be the outcome either way and not waste time for their ass. Y’all can say whatever the fuck you want, there’s no problem but they said they wanted to drop it ( if there’s no change, which is obvious there isn’t ) so who’s forcing them to read? Like just say you want to continue bc you’re curious instead of making up excuses to read it.

    eddie (he/it) July 14, 2023 9:48 pm
    Yk, so why do you still read? Bc at that point you have to be lying to yourself. Save yourself some anger and just drop it now but if you continue, yk that’s your fault? JALLY

    Despite Mingwa's other work, an artist can change their stories. I'm not saying mingwa will but there is a chance they won't. its a 50/50 chance that the story goes in a different direction and a chance that it wont. I want to see what happens and if i see definite signs that its going to end up like BJ Alex then I'll drop it

    eddie (he/it) July 14, 2023 9:52 pm
    Bros fucking chronically online as shit, go touch grass instead of fighting everybody under the comment section, weirdo. I don’t agree with underage kids reading adult manwhas bc they’re mind is still devel... JALLY

    The issue is that fiction often bleeds into reality. And it's harmful when stories like these are being romanticized so heavily. People, especially young impressionable people (who are reading manga like this because it's taboo, and they like reading taboo things) are going to take it a face value. not all but some. And I'm not saying you can't make art about topics like these, far from it, art is supposed to make people feel things, but it's dangerous to have a story where a character falls in love with someone who hurt them so much just because they're nice sometimes. And it might even make some people who are abusers think theyre behavior is ok because its in a manga they like.

    JALLY July 14, 2023 10:16 pm
    The issue is that fiction often bleeds into reality. And it's harmful when stories like these are being romanticized so heavily. People, especially young impressionable people (who are reading manga like this b... eddie (he/it)

    Again, it can bleed into reality if the person who’s reading it has a WEAK mindset like young people who’s reading shit considered for grown minds. And no, it’s only harmful when they decide to bring it upon reality. If it STAYS in fiction and don’t appear on their minds when they don’t read fiction, it’s not harming anybody. Worry about people who are acc romanticizing REAL people. And it’s not dangerous at all when they’re not forced to read that “dangerous” story. You have to Blame it on the readers who CAN make it dangerous based on their actions. It’s a so-so bc some people that knows the concept of fiction know how to handle stories like these and don’t bring it to the real world while some dumbasses don’t get the concept and bring it to reality. And those abusers? They bring stuff to REALITY so they’re part of the people who don’t get the concept of fiction and based reality into fiction which is not good but there actions shouldn’t be put on people who gets fiction and would NEVER want to bring it to reality. And artists aren’t at fault that young stupid people are reading their stuff, that’s why there is age limits but they never listen.

    eddie (he/it) July 15, 2023 12:10 am
    Again, it can bleed into reality if the person who’s reading it has a WEAK mindset like young people who’s reading shit considered for grown minds. And no, it’s only harmful when they decide to bring it u... JALLY

    ok, im not arguing anymore. I can tell what kind of mindset YOU have. good day <3