So her last birthday was when she turned 8 years old. Now, 3 years later, she just had another birthday so she’s now 11 years old. Because of her bloodline, her body and mind is akin to a 15 year old(technically her mind should be older cause of her past life but semantics)
Anyway, when mc was 8, ml was 14-15. we know because ml is the same age as mc's older brother, who was 14 when he met mc(who was still 7 at the time). that means that ml is currently 17-18 depending on when his birthday is.
If his birthday is before mc's then he's currently 17, which means they have an 8 year age gap. if his birthday is after mc's than hes currently 17 but turns 18 that year, which means they have a 9 year age gap
either way, an 11 year old with a 17-18 year old doesnt look good lol
So she just turned 15 and the ml is 20/21 but he's thinking about kissing her???