I have no clue why it's a thing but if the comic is Korean perhaps they're following the beauty standards that exist there to define who's beautiful or not? As far as I remember the whiter and paler someone is, the better they fit the standard as pale skin is preferable there. Probably the same reason I saw so many Chinese make-up tutorials with girls using some cream to make their skin A LOT LOT LOT paler.
Now that I think about it your right, I don't know why I had to explain sht when it's literally shown there and thank you for pointing that out ATLEAST some people will know that I'm not really talking bad about the manwha but I'm just stating the fact that it's kinda racist cause they could've portrayed the ugly in some other way like a scar or something and idgaf about the the past that it's "normal" to be racist like it's 2023 the author is in the future, they know what they we're doing since it's their story but at the same time we don't really support them cause it's not like this website is illegal lol and that's all I wanted to say all of you that wanna disagree just keep it to your self it's annoying to see "your topic updated" like I thought that was a new chapters like idc if you dislike my comment or anything
Yeah~ They were gaslighting you. In some manhwa the racism is less obvious, like playing stereotypes, but this one was pretty obvious. While the comment section was down I got my comic information from social media and the difference of what’s acceptable is stark. There’s an extra layer of anonymity here.
This is literally colorism