Ikr, yet they also do it for manwhas and ONLY change the names, even when the whole story is obviously taking place in korea or china. And then you end up with "oh so very western named character 1" screaming Ohhhh deeper brother !!! While being fucked by "very western named character 2" and honestly, that's too much even for a brainless french bitch like me.
In this one it was even more ridiculous since in one of the first chapters, it was mentioned where the story was happening and that the moving they're acting in may be banned in china. I'm not okay with the whitewashing, whatever the reason is.

localisations are an evil business i swear. you should see how they butchered I Turned My Childhood Friend into a Girl, it was just a cute bl about a dudes childhood friend crossdressing and dude becoming hella confused about his feelings, and they translated it in such a way that it came off as cheaply written woke twitlib trans agenda. like im trans myself, but it was honestly frustrating
oml im so sick of translators changing chinese names to english ones wtf is jeremy it's always the official translations too why do they do this ughh