People should learn how to stop pushing/pressuring other people into marriage or into somebody. It’s rude, it’s not cute, stop. Just cause you think they suit each other and one loves the other doesn’t make it any better. I repeat It’s annoying and rude in general. Even if they like each do NOT pressure them into getting together, you should let them take their time, rushing them will only make them feel sadder or worst even.
Agreed ! Like sure, it’s cute seeing these two people together but I hate it when person a teases person b about b getting together with person c already or pressuring them to. It’s annoying to me.
People should learn how to stop pushing/pressuring other people into marriage or into somebody. It’s rude, it’s not cute, stop. Just cause you think they suit each other and one loves the other doesn’t make it any better. I repeat It’s annoying and rude in general. Even if they like each do NOT pressure them into getting together, you should let them take their time, rushing them will only make them feel sadder or worst even.