Full ML/plot spoilers. Had this comment saved for 1yr+ LOL

vasya July 11, 2023 7:41 am

I typed it and didn’t post it and the next day the comments went down. Ima take this opportunity to post it. This is basically a run down of the webtoon and a lot of spoilers about the pairings and plot.

ok so the novel this is based on as a very is a well known one and it kinda develops into a reverse harem.
The Male lead who “wins” in the end is Yugi (short white hair) but there is a LOTTTT that happens between now and the ending (and lots of characters who are interested in her)… the novel literally has ***491*** chapters so it’s a LONG one. So don’t worry about Ahon having more screen time right now, Yesuh and Yugi go through a LOT together over these ~500 chapters, so their relationship develops properly.

Basically: Ahon is out of the running first, he chooses his country over her (tho, from NU spoilers, she is the one who leaves apparently, and she doesn’t fall in love with him. According to novel readers, it becomes very obvious that he has the emotional development of a child and Yesuh is more like a first love who is “not like the other girls” to him than anything else- he does not understand her, they are not on the same level and they are incompatible in status, mentality and maturity. To quote another novel reader: “She's a free spirited soul and an assassin, he's the emperor of a kingdom who restraints her a lot and restricts her freedom in many ways and he doesn't trust her.”).

Anyway, Yesuh goes to an island (I’m unsure of the chronology, but at some point an island is bought with the money she gets from her contract with Ahon with the goal of creating a place where the Hojok she grew up with can live safely) and plot stuff happens related to Horen & her and horen’s Male childhood friend, and she ends up in a relationship with Hahae and Yugi (yes, it’s a poly relationship, if this spoiler is to be taken at face value). So, in the meantime, Hahae, Yugi, and Yesuh are dating. But in the end, Yesuh feels that it is selfish to have a relationship with them. So she leaves them and Hahae accepts this (he chooses his job over chasing after love, just like Ahon) but she finds Yugi and he’s crying over her in their secret hideout. Apparently she was ready to head to Horen after breaking up with them and had said that Horen was the only one for her. And so whilst Yesuh and Yugi are in their special secret hiding place (yes, they have a special hiding place together according to NU readers, and their relationship is v cute in the novel and gets developed a lot, like at around chapter ~200 he gets stabbed instead of Yesuh to save her so he really does care a lot), Yugi tells her he loves her. Yesuh realises that he is her home(I think? this is what the person who translated it said anyway), and that it’s him who has always been with her when she was in trouble; she realises she is also in love with him and she accepts Yugi’s heart <3 that seems to happen towards the end btw so it does take a while

The spoilers above don’t really explain wtf happened with Horen and why she didn’t end up with him, even tho they’re supposedly betrothed & being with him was her main goal, so here’s what I could find related to that:

• the only thing I can find out is that Horen is traumatised by the guilt of killing their childhood friend, Lane/Rane, which happens later on in the novel (BUT APPARENTLY HE SURVIVES?) so that could factor into why they don’t end up together. +the fact that she realises her feelings for Yugi in the end obviously. Anyway, Horen tells her that even if he can’t marry Yesuh, he will always be her tiger & always be in her arms (rough tl), and eventually he leaves. He ends up establishing a place where people and hojok can coexist

    Silver_Moon789 August 25, 2023 2:09 am


    goddamn it ╥﹏╥ I'm only at chp 76 and I was really rooting for Hahae or Hahae and Yugi with Yesuh. Good to hear it does happen at some point but damn why'd Hahae have to go out of the running...I was so sure I wouldn't come down with second male lead syndrome this time....and he was so so close (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Thanks for the comment, saved me from reading hundreds of chapters only to be disappointed in the end.

    vasya August 25, 2023 7:30 am
    *spoilers*goddamn it ╥﹏╥ I'm only at chp 76 and I was really rooting for Hahae or Hahae and Yugi with Yesuh. Good to hear it does happen at some point but damn why'd Hahae have to go out of the running..... Silver_Moon789

    No problem!! (spoiler)

    Tbh I was really shocked when I read the spoilers abt it being Yugi and the fact that she dates both Yugi and Hahae but ends up breaking up with them and only rekindled it with Yugi LMAO (tho tbf I do rlly like Yugi). But in all fairness I didn’t read the novel myself I just read a lot of korean n*ver reviews and NU spoilers from people who have read it and then compiled this as sort of a timeline of events, so there is a chance I’m wrong abt how some things happen cuz I rllllly do not have the energy to read a 500 chapter novel I’m not super obsessed with lol. But ya… definitely not wrong about how the endgame is Yugi I’m glad this helped u

    helvetica June 4, 2024 4:08 pm

    Bro from what you wrote and what everyone else has said about it, I feel like ml was probably gonna be the emperor guy but then the author themselves realized how much of a shit ml he would be XD