Seeing the other comments I’m probably one of the very few that didn’t like them endin...

diddl July 10, 2023 7:35 pm

Seeing the other comments I’m probably one of the very few that didn’t like them ending up together again. I hated the black haired author dude. He’s selfish, he’s manipulative, he’s a douchebag. Like I wanted some self-explanation, some kind of understanding in what ways he was terrible as a boyfriend. Now it’s like the other one just lowered his standards for that dude. It’s little things he didn’t even do. They had chemistry and they liked each other genuinely but I think sometimes that’s not enough. And i think in this case as it was, it was not enough! Because yes author dude tried but he didn’t do the most important things, reflect and change the very doable things that had led to this relationship turning one sided. Instead of apologizing instead of making up and showing how he changed those things. he just tried to avert the problems, ignore them and distract with other actions.

    1111 July 12, 2023 3:40 am

    yeah you are one of the many few because if u didnt read clearly, the black haired author dude u called is not perfect and he isnt damaging the other guy in a bad way ofc they have problems but they work it out they are like soulmates. not everything u do can be covered by trauma but the black haired author dude didnt have a good example of what a healthy love should be and he reflected and tried his best and ofc his soulmate understood they understand eachother and i dont think them going on with different people would make them happy couldnt you see the chemisty?? idc im not gonna be the bigger person but he is definetly not manipulative or a douchebag on purpose but if u look at some other characters like the jinx ml ud think otherwise about calling him so and so. if you recommended any books id probably hate them.

    diddl July 12, 2023 12:12 pm
    yeah you are one of the many few because if u didnt read clearly, the black haired author dude u called is not perfect and he isnt damaging the other guy in a bad way ofc they have problems but they work it out... 1111

    Haha was I aggressive, was I excessive or unreasonable? No. So it’s not like we had an argument or anything for you to even think about being the bigger person or whatever. If you disagree with me, it’s completely fine. No need to get offended.
    It’s just that I didn’t see it. I didn’t walk out of the manga thinking that this would be a couple that lasts in the long run.
    I didn’t like him. The black haired author dude but damn why would I ever compare him to some abusive monster like the boxer dude from Jinx? The fuck. I don’t read this garbage and the fact that all those psycho stories exist bc of killing stalking and painters of the night and the trend they started, makes me sick. So damn now that was an insult to insinuate that I'd like this shit or that I’d compare some full on creepo to someone that is not boyfriend material imo. Two different things damn.
    Also honestly I don’t even think that you’d dislike the mangas that I do like

    shygay July 12, 2023 6:39 pm
    yeah you are one of the many few because if u didnt read clearly, the black haired author dude u called is not perfect and he isnt damaging the other guy in a bad way ofc they have problems but they work it out... 1111

    lol bro chill

    daisy smith July 24, 2023 4:42 am
    yeah you are one of the many few because if u didnt read clearly, the black haired author dude u called is not perfect and he isnt damaging the other guy in a bad way ofc they have problems but they work it out... 1111

    i agreed with u

    Nene July 27, 2023 3:02 am

    You've probably never been in a long term relationship. For me this wa pretty realistic even though kinda the same thing happened to me i didn't come back with my former lover. But this story managed to have this sour ending thta mskes you feel fluffy and sad haha. You should re read it. It's not that bad

    Sora August 16, 2023 5:50 pm

    Damn who hurt u

    esmerotica August 17, 2023 3:28 am
    yeah you are one of the many few because if u didnt read clearly, the black haired author dude u called is not perfect and he isnt damaging the other guy in a bad way ofc they have problems but they work it out... 1111

    girl-- ರ_ರ

    MACAROONS October 14, 2023 3:52 am

    I'll agree with you. If you really love the person, you'll make an effort to change, but all I see is him whining to him, he can't sleep without him. Well he said he just realized what he had done and he's sorry for that. And then? If he wouldn't change then this will happen again.

    Its actually tiring to have this relationship when you're the only who do all the works.