Can someone please help me find this manhwa well the seme is a jerk who sleep with other w...

Hajime June 28, 2023 4:12 am

Can someone please help me find this manhwa well the seme is a jerk who sleep with other woman and one time he put a blindfold on the uke and the uke didn't know that a girl is watching them while they have sex and there's another ml. The seme broke up with the uke and leave him naked outside the apartment anyway the uke have a new bf but he still wait for the seme to come back or whatever

    FudanshiHoe July 18, 2023 6:49 pm

    Following// let me know if you find out the title TT

    Hajime July 19, 2023 2:02 am
    Following// let me know if you find out the title TT FudanshiHoe

    The title is a terrible romance

    FudanshiHoe July 19, 2023 7:17 am
    The title is a terrible romance Hajime

    Thank you

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