Hello can someone help me find this manwha White haired dude ( he prolly wore a black and...

Crazy_mofos2611 April 16, 2022 3:58 am

Hello can someone help me find this manwha

White haired dude ( he prolly wore a black and white striped t shirt with unbuttoned polo) just moved into the same floor as the MC. They're neighbors now.

MC find his gift as a liability. He can see objects talk, move and as a person that normal people couldn't. Whenever he tells people, they think he's crazy and weird.

The pros of having these powers: Infinite harem, action,and company. Ex. Get to know when your phone needs to charge or having a cute plant waifu appreciating your effort to water them.

Cons: Your objects can't stop moaning, doing some action in front of you, everything is flirting with you, not alone

White haired guy is the opposite, he can't see them ( I just remembered it that he doesn't have a gift) and his objects are actually well mannered and loves him a lot. Like a lot. They worship the dude like he's god. MC likes him too. Blushes all the time.

The last chapter I remembered was that MC went to the doctor. Issued some pills to cure his gift. He can't see them anymore and the objects were worried that he's abandoning them. The laptop/ phone was begging them to charge them

Also the list is beautiful

    Yona6 April 21, 2022 7:27 pm

    Thank you for liking this list (⌒▽⌒)

    Wow, sorry but I don't know at all what this story is, this is the 1st time I'm hearing about this concept

    Hope someone else will be able to give you the name of this story (⌒▽⌒)

    Moekiki September 20, 2022 6:29 pm

    Did you find it!? Cause I'm looking for it too and it's killing me.

    Moekiki September 20, 2022 6:31 pm

    Sorry wasn't trying to reply to you

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