Just a reminder that some manga's do contain romance HOWEVER its very little or hasn't hap...

Anyonecrazylikeme March 24, 2022 12:16 am

Just a reminder that some manga's do contain romance HOWEVER its very little or hasn't happened yet at all. Again , i put it in as i go so pls be aware of that , as i might not hv read the chapters for a while and wasn't aware of the romantic elements . If my list doesn't fit ur needs , okay move on.

There's no need to comment on how it isn't ONLY romance and WHY there isn't a list like that specifically , if u comment stuff like that i feel disheartened and feel my list isn't appreciated which feels annoying cuz i spent effort making this list .Lets all be positive , comments like those will be deleted.

    Anyonecrazylikeme March 24, 2022 12:20 am

    If u really need those lists just search on google , 95% of my recommendations fit what you are looking for in this list so if u are willing to look into it a bit then pls do so. There are many hidden gems and if u are an uploader/translator some manga's/webtoons with mad potential that were dropped for you to pick and work on

    Happy reading ^^

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