Ayla and Kiliian's first night is in Chap 99 of the novel.
he is not an angel but he is someone who has had high magic since he was a child and the priest of Eldorado uses Killian as an experiment to bring God or something like acquiring God's power. Killians prays to God to save him but he wouldn't listen. So, he killed all the priests, ate a piece of god, and inherits his power out of anger towards god
God is angry with him so he is cursed to live forever and Killians kill God's angel in return and destroy Eldorado and build Rottalo (the sorceress's city).
Ayla is a God and Rezverb is part of her. The difference is Ayla can interfere with the world because she is like the complete God while Rezverb can't since he is only part of her. Killian still loves Ayla even tho he knew that Ayla is the God he despises. He even tied his soul to Ayla so that no one could seperate them. Ayla also plans to make Killian her god (Ayla has the power to make another God) so that she can stay with him.
CP will not end up with Charlotte cause Charlotte later will learn to become independent and CP only cares about himself he never loves Charlotte nor Ayla. Charlotte later will be friends with Ayla because she realizes that she can only be herself around Ayla. Ayla also helps Charlotte financially by make business with her (bcs Charlotte's family is poor so I think she still needs to find the money somehow)
Charlotte, Ayla, and Polland will open a designer clothes shop together. Killian asks Ayla to marry him but Ayla says that the nobles will question Killian's fake bg so Killians just become Ayla's lover.
Killian has a high possibility of God's fallen angel so he's kinda like Lucifer. Because even tho he hates God he is very knowledgeable about God and his angles. So Ayla suspected that Killian is a fallen angel. And, Killian says that if Ayla's turns out to be God's angel he will bring her to hell with him
Killian is at least 500+ years old because he uses to destroy a Holy City Eldorado 500 years ago as the king of sorceres