Uk what it's not like mangago is not working or doing anything thy also put lots of effort to improve this site I'm it's so easy to read here you don't have to swipe or every single panel .. the lay out and all its just so professional and bttr thn any other so called official website and app so it's wrong to say tht mangago is just getting lots of many and not doing anything thing .. and if it's not for mangago these manga won't be famous and get any recognization .. thy were all was doing great work but this site boast thm and spread them all over world it's like thy are doing free marking all authors should be thankful for tht instead thy are being rude and arrogant shity world shity people..I love my 2D men's
I was thinking about everything and Mangago going to court and all. I though of something, Mangago is getting loads of money everytime someone uses their site right? So, why don't they use some o that money and buy the translations from the others so that they can upload them and the people will still be able to read it for free but this time with no one getting upset. I don't know, I just though of it