why does he look like a child... Nasty

dahlia.xxm July 24, 2021 9:52 am

why does he look like a child... Nasty

    dahlia.xxm July 24, 2021 4:51 pm
    that works two ways, you have to consider the fact that there's people who don't. some of ya'll need to follow your own advice of if you don't like it don't comment or don't read it. this is a comment section. ... fork

    Definitely do agree that they are taking it personally, they're upset that I'm and others are calling them out for enjoying stuff like this, and we have the right to do so as it's a very let's say problematic genre

    dahlia.xxm July 24, 2021 4:52 pm

    Anyway this has been going on for way too long I said what I said.

    dahlia.xxm July 24, 2021 4:58 pm
    They shouldn't. There are actual men touching children right now, or are on dark webs jerking off to it. Those are the people that should be criticized and attacked, not the ones that are literally reading a ma... X-xToleratedx-X

    Both deserve to be criticised obviously at different levels. Don't know why you're trying to flip the conv. And you should be criticised if you do enjoy fictional paedophilia content that still means you're slightly messed up. And in no way am I comparing this to real life tragedies tf.

    dahlia.xxm July 24, 2021 5:06 pm
    They shouldn't. There are actual men touching children right now, or are on dark webs jerking off to it. Those are the people that should be criticized and attacked, not the ones that are literally reading a ma... X-xToleratedx-X

    I don't know why you're bringing such a topic into this conversation. Why are you trying to compare and relate the two. Like I'm not saying you're trying to touch children in real life but what you're consuming in media regardless if it's fictional or not it is still deserved of criticism..... I'm done.... ya'll are too thick in the head

    fork July 24, 2021 5:10 pm
    They shouldn't. There are actual men touching children right now, or are on dark webs jerking off to it. Those are the people that should be criticized and attacked, not the ones that are literally reading a ma... X-xToleratedx-X

    .. you do realize the hypocrisy of that statement, right? there are actual predators who thrive off this type of content as well. this DOES contribute to the sexualization of children, whether you like it or not, whether you're a predator or not.

    and you can't justify one aspect of sexualization of children with another act of sexualization of children. one is worse, obv, but neither are ok. you know it, we know it, everyone who's mentally matured to a certain point and can recognize right/wrong knows it. thats why, imo, ya'll take this so personally. it's taboo or w.e and you can like it and keep it to yourself if you don't want backlash, but you can't expect people who dislike the content to be quiet abt it when you're not, or understand why you like it/are ok with and accept your reasons.

    i get it, it's fiction, but it's still a depiction of a child. i'm not saying you or others can't separate reality from fiction, but do understand there are ppl who can't or are too young to recognize it. i'm not shitting on you for reading this, but do understand you will be criticized when you comment on people's posts disagreeing with you. they can make posts about disliking the content, the genre, etc., just as much as you can make your own. you're not going to convince them not to.

    katydid March 10, 2024 5:12 am
    There’s no need to raged .ANYWAY Before i leave I suggest that you read the tags first before clicking it Plutoo

    SHUT UP!

    katydid March 10, 2024 5:22 am
    I think the problem is just that the fact that you pointed that it’s “Nasty” is kinda harsh and rude just consider the fact that there’re people who are okay reading it.Just use a softer word. Plutoo

    yeah! No "kink" shaming here!

    katydid March 10, 2024 5:24 am
    SHUT UP! katydid

    sorry... Not saying shut up to Plutoo, was agreeing with.