It's worth in my opinion but that's up to personal taste of course ;) It's a complex story with many characters, some times skips and a lot of action and smut, but also with some scenes of abuse, harassment and rape.
The summary is of course kind of spoilery:
Akihito is a 23-year-old-wannabe-star-reporter who works as a photographer and hopes to get his first major coup. He manages to take pictures of Asami Ryuichi who is on the front a businessman with several expensive nightlife clubs, but who Akihito suspects to be a criminal.
On the photographs Asami is seen with some Yakuza.
Asami finds out about the photographs and confronts Akihito, who manages to get away once, but that only awakens Asami's hunter's instinct. So he manages to lure Akihito into a trap and ... well rapes him.
(Initially the story was supposed to end at this point and remain a One Shot, but fans liked it so much, that the author continued.)
Between Akihito and Asami starts some kind of cat-and-mouse-play with Akihito getting abducted and abused/raped by Asami several times, then Asami gets himself into some problems with the Chinese Triad Baishe and their master Fei Long, who then turns to kidnap and rape Akihito as well.
We quickly find out that Asami and Fei Long have a pretty complicated past with each other, which makes Fei Long seek revenge... until he doesn't. Akihito warms up to both Asami and Fei Long, more mafia gets involved, Akihito gets saved, then abducted again by someone else, then saved again and on and on it gets, with a lot of fucking and gun fights and bickering.
If you want some critisism as well:
The art is gorgeous but this work is not very strong on character development. The main aspect is the couple and their relationship evolving while the two main characters mostly stay the same and do not change. The only intense character development is that of Fei Long, who's the third main character of the story.
I gave up after looking at the summary so can someone tell me what it’s about and if it’s worth it please?