Credit to Rika77
Spoiler: Rezerb(finally -_- )
-Ayla finds herself in flying in the air following the butterflies. She meets a man with white hair and skin and a halo around his head. Rezerb introduces himself as a part of Ayla/Eco reeve. He tells her that he only made her aware of being a God and everything else was done by her. Because she loved people she wanted her novel characters to be happy.
She wrote about the world subconsciously in the novel. The world lured her in. She met Killian because he was a' foreign object'. God's word have strength. So when she made a promise to turn back time for Ayla (In the manhwa's chapter one she wishes that Ayla passed without any regrets) she ended up creating loops.
-Ayla asks why he didn't help Killian. But he answers that he did send angels. Rezerb is only a part of Ayla and had no power to intervene. He didn't come infront of Killian as he was scared of him
-Rezerb tells her to take back Killian's power to prevent the destruction of the world and get back her memories. Ayla asks if she can stop being a God. He says that he can do that but the world won't remain in complete balance as he is not a perfect being. Eco reeve had been handling the entire dimension alone and they needed more help. Since Aayla is God she can create more Gods and transfer her duties. Ayla wonders if she can turn Killian into one. Rezerb informs her that she only has one week left.
-IN the real world one month has passed. Ayla wakes up in Rotullo. She cries on seeing Killian who decides to kill anyone who had upset her even if it was God. She reveals herself as Eco Reeve and tells him to give her any punishment he wants but he just kisses her. She tells him that she has to leave in a week.
Killian looks like he is about to reach his limit. He reminds her of what he told her when they talked about angels. That he would bring her down to live with him and they wont break up. Ayla also doesn't want to leave him and decides to find a way. She ask if he would still not mind if she asks him to be God. She knows that even if its not intentional she is asking him to sacrifice for her again.
-Killian tells Ayla that now instead of sacrificing for others she should try to be loved. Ayla wonders why she craved for affection so much. Why she had devoted herself to the people and why she had written a book where the mc was so loved.
-Killian engraves a pattern on Ayla's wrist and also on his own but doesn't tell her why. He kneels infront of her and tells her that he wanted to die but now he wants to live. He kisses her foot and tells her that he will corrupt her.

At first she really selfish and want all the male leads attention on her.. but later on a lot happened tho I don't know the details cause I read few spoiler chapter. I think around the accident with Lennox(one of the fishes.. prince's knight who escort Charlotte back to her hometown if I'm not mistaken) she kinda realized her own action after the monsters attacked. Cause before this everyone view her as "angel/kind".. the knight say to her that he never expected her image/attitude to be like that. After that, she started to change and if I'm not mistake she also said she can only show her true action/attitude when she with Ayla.
Credit to Rika77
Spoiler: Ending
-Ayla and Killian return to the Duke's Estate. Aslan and Ayla try to cook again and fail. Their father throws them out of the kitchen and ends up cooking with Killian.
Ayla tells her family that she will be leaving for some time and she loves them. Her father tells her to be healthy. Its a very awkward atmosphere but Killian still finds this funny.
-Ayla decides that she can't sacrifice Killian. She is glad that Kilian is immortal because she can one day meet him again. Time passes slowly in heaven and there was a chance that everyone she knew would be dead. She tearfully leaves Killian telling him that she will meet him again. However when she touches the butterfly, KIllian hugs her from behinds and is transported to the dream world/heaven with her.
Killian finally meets Rezerb and walks towards him. Killian says that he cannot hurt someone who is a part of Ayla. He reveals that he had cast soul binding magic on her and now they are connected for life and death .If someone tries to forcibly remove the magic, their bodies will be torn apart.
Ayla glare at Rezerb because he never told her that their was a way to stay in the human world. Rezerb says that he was lonely. He tells her that she has to live in the human world still she dies. Killian tells her to do what she wanted with his soul when he dies. She thinks about turning him into A God( I think he is not immortal anymore, but it isn't clear. But then Mc is God so she can do anything I guess)
-Dark street is now under Rotullo's control. Polan leaves the palace and sets up a business with Ayla.
- Ayla is rewarded by the palace for her services and a ball is organised for her
-Ayla had asked Sophia to take care of Charlotte but wanted to see her for herself
-She finally realises that Aslan was Linte when she sees that the handwritten note by Linte is in the same handwriting as Aslan. They also share similar writing styles. She is annoyed that he hid the truth but still understands and asks if he wants to be a writer. She doesn't consider his work shameful but knows that he will be overburdened if he would be a Duke too.
-Ayla is listening to ml and fl talk with the help of Killian's powers. Charlotte rejects Cp and says that he loves Ayla and had even organized a ball in her honour.
-Ayla tries to tell Killian there is no reason to worry as comparing Killian to Cp is like comparing God to amoeba
- When mc was in Korea she had had a dream of og Ayla who wanted the prince to fall in love with her and mc had told her to do whatever she wants. Since God's words had power that might be the biggest reason for her to return to this world.
-Ayla hides with the help of Killian's magic in the ball.Since Ayla is now going to be the Duke, she cannot be someone's mistress. So Cp is bothering Charlotte again:facepalm:
She tells him that she doesn't care about him anymore. Cp tells her that she is useless without him and has no money. Charlotte answers that she knows that and that her family would want her to be happy even if they are poor. Once Cp is gone, Ayla approaches Charlotte and asks her to do business with her.
-Ayla ends up becoming close friends with Charlotte. Both of them along with Polan set up a famous dressing room. Polan thinks that sales will be affected if Ayla's name is revealed as people consider Ayla to be Villain even now.But Ayla refuses to do anything. The concept of the store is freedom and Ayla wants to show that everyone is free to whatever they want in spite of what other people think. Charlotte supports her saying that all of them are here thanks to Ayla
- There are still rumours about Ayla that she corrupted their saint as no one can actually blame the prince
But both Ayla and Charlotte ignore them
-Killian's possessiveness and jealousy regarding Ayla keeps increasing. He finally asks her to marry him. Ayla is hesitant because once they get married and it is revealed that Killian's title is fake then the entire dukedom will be at risk. Killian tells her that he will be her lover then