(pls reply or this'll be embarrassing

shie July 23, 2021 10:48 pm

what's y'all thoughts about this??

    mei July 23, 2021 10:52 pm

    idk i cant accept it lmao but as long as they are go get it ig but its just weird that she looks like her sister?? and at one point she was acting like his sis and now they are like this HUHHAHS

    さき ぃあお July 24, 2021 12:32 am
    idk i cant accept it lmao but as long as they are go get it ig but its just weird that she looks like her sister?? and at one point she was acting like his sis and now they are like this HUHHAHS mei

    Same it's weird that you're in love with your brother even though they're not related it's still weird

    satethylust July 24, 2021 1:47 pm

    Dropped like a hot pancake the moment they began to show possible romantic feelings for each other (forgot the chapter). Ive had my fair share of step-bro trope mangas before, but this somehow does not sit well with me? Maybe because they were young when their familial relationship was established and all that. But this is just me of course.