I agree with you but the guy didn’t know he had trauma and was scared of public places but even so the uke could’ve at least mentioned that then he was scared of places where there are a lot people. Then maybe he would’ve taken him to a less cramped place where lesser people are like the park. I can’t really blame none of them since the Seme didn’t know about his past and the uke is basically just a neet/coward. Also that blonde yes he Has a reason to be mad but reporting someone just for that reason is a dumb reason.
ah no i don't agree on the reporting part. he didn't even do it because of the accident. he just want the seme gone so he can be the only person in the uke's life.
also you said the seme is not to blame because he didn't know. now... i don't know how blind and ignorant can he be about mental illness but even if you don't know jack shit about it, there's something obviously wrong with the uke the moment you step into his house.
i know that alot of artists have used the trope of "a very messy house" plenty of times, especially when they have an author character, but in this story's case the creator knows what they are doing.
the uke has obvious depression, which making him unable to clean on his own, agoraphobia so severe he can't even go throw his own trash and anxiety.
calling such a sick person "a nerd and a coward" just shows, you are the one not understanding the situation, just like the seme. both of you saw the signs, you didn't need to ask because you saw his past, but the seme not even asking him once the simple question "why you are so afraid of the outside?" baffles me. i know he isn't a bad man however and he truly wanted to help in his own way, but what he did was wrong and he should have done better.
If I’m being honest I didn’t really read half of what you said but like let me tell you I’m not ignorant but I wouldn’t straight up just ask someone who’s afraid of going outside tell them “so like why are you afraid of going outside” because they might as will not tell me since they won’t feel comfortable like why would you ask them when it’s not a topic that feel comfortable but like I’m not saying that reporting him is crossing the line I already know he crossed the line way long ago when he tries to manipulate him I never said that he just crossed the line. Also I respect peoples space so like I said I won’t ask them randomly when I’m just someone who works for them. But yes he is kind of a coward how he could’ve said that he can’t go into crowded places but yet he never told him and let the seme take him there. Yes the seme is ignorant but you can’t blame him for not wanting to know more about the Uke since the Uke seems like a awkward person. I’m not saying I blame the Seme nor am I saying it’s the Ukes fault. They for reals need communication in a lot of situations not just sex. So that’s why the seme wanted to go on a date instead of always being in their house. Go ahead and assume that people are ignorant and yet you don’t understand what they fully meant.
look, you are stuck on the argument of reporting the seme. i never said i agree with that and i stated it, but as you said you didn't read half of what i wrote so I'll keep it short.
1. the seme is at fault for not noticing any of the signs and not trying to communicate better with the uke.
2.respect of personal space is valid but they are supposed to be together so im sure that gives him a right to at least ask. even if there was no answer.
3.if you go and call a mentally weak person a coward of course I'll assume you don't get the situation because you sound very apathetic to the person in question.
but go on, bring the same argument with the reporting. or say you didn't read what i said. im waiting.
How can you blame the seme when the seme and uke just barely started dating?? If I were the seme I wouldn’t he ignorant but I wouldn’t want to basically force someone to tell me their past just because were dating. I assume that even if they are dating the uke wouldn’t tell the seme because they JUST started DATING and he wouldn’t be comfortable enough to tell a stranger he just became boyfriend and boyfriend with abs tell him his past it’ll be to fast. Also I am not stuck in the reporting part if you payed attention I also mentioned how the uke wouldn’t even be comfortable to tell him his past and it’ll take him time. I am also not saying that the seme is at fault or the uke. Simply the uke coudlve said that he wasn’t comfortable in crowded places or simply the seme could’ve took him to the park.
Plus don’t people that don’t notice on what’s going on exist?? It’s not like they don’t exist take the seme for example he has a problem where he can’t read the room and yes I do blame him for leaving the uke alone in the bathroom because he could’ve at least noticed what was happening to him and they could’ve just went home. I guess the seme just wanted to watch the movie. Okay but like it’s parts of the Semes fault for that but not fully if the uke knew it would be to soon for him to go to a theater then he could’ve said no but he decided to say yes since he never went out in a while. I can’t blame him but his curiosity got the best of him and went down hill when he started to get a panic attack.
ok i hate to agree with that blonde bitch but he shouldn't have taken him out yet. taking a person with agoraphobia to A BLOODY CINEMA?! ARE YOU INSANE?!
it's like you are making a child that barely started learning how to ride a bike, to ride a race bike.
it's too soon. and even if you had to take him to the cinema, he shouldn't have left him alone.