Omgggshut uppppp asslicker #7272736 if I was an author id be happy that someone bothered to even go near my work , some artists don't even sell their music just to have people listen to it bc not everyone has money, it's weird that the author is going to this extent just bc people read for free not everyone can buy every damn chapter we aren't rich and this is the most enjoyment some people get in their life and if fans love it enough to support by buying and getting more people to read that's amazing I find it really greedy and unfortunate when authors act that way and it's mostly towards foreign readers who don't have access to the original sites bc we don't know the language so these sites help a loy
“Greedy” this is how I know you still live with mommy and daddy. She’s an adult with BILLS TO PAY. Holy fuck imagine being this fucking dumb. “Id be happy” is so easy for you to say because you aren’t an artist lmao. You’re an entitled brat without a job. There are multiple ways to get free coins and read free every week. You’re just so lazy you refuse. This isn’t a money issue. At all.
That snitch. Whoever she was, I bet she's a loner, never loved by her friends, only internet revolves around her and her mom's a hoe.