Tell me im not the only one confused. Like what is happening

PotatoPirate July 23, 2021 8:22 pm

Tell me im not the only one confused. Like what is happening

    ✨weeei✨ July 23, 2021 8:44 pm

    So like her dad is Von or Ron vita or something. It’s the guy with pink hair who seems to be related with Louie her supposed younger brother?
    Her real biological dad is a noble (the spness or spess family) the black hair boy (don’t know yet can be assume he is of high rank

    So after her father dies(pink hair dad) she has to survive with her little brother
    She is questioned by the first prince ( bastard ) and after testing one of her swords he takes her as a prisoner ( not sure why I forgot lol) anyway she is abused and after a while she meets black hair boy and they escape. She doesn’t make it far and is captured so the other boys can escape. After she is thrown back in prison her father(blond dad) finds her and takes her back
    Hope it helps ( I wrote it quick sorry too lazy to rewrite )

    PotatoPirate July 23, 2021 9:58 pm
    So like her dad is Von or Ron vita or something. It’s the guy with pink hair who seems to be related with Louie her supposed younger brother? Her real biological dad is a noble (the spness or spess family) th... ✨weeei✨

    I understand that part but when the mc met her real father and the duke met with the prince their conversations became blurry. Ofc I understand the gist of the story and what not but It was as if there is something missing in the dialogue or the author just doesn’t know how to properly phrase and phase the story. Everything seems to be escalating fast and you cant tell who’s talking or thinking of something . It’s not overly confusing to the point that you wont be able to comprehend what’s happening because it’s so random but the story isn’t clear either. I suppose the author isn’t trying to produce a linear story and is trying to give off the feeling of suspense but the presentation of the story is a little bit confusing.

    ✨weeei✨ July 23, 2021 10:29 pm
    I understand that part but when the mc met her real father and the duke met with the prince their conversations became blurry. Ofc I understand the gist of the story and what not but It was as if there is somet... PotatoPirate

    That is very true, the way they respond to the situation and how the dialogue is written doesn’t really match? If that makes any sense. Anyway what I’m trying to say is that it doesn’t seem to be suspenseful in a big way just kind of like pow not boom ( I wrote that weird lol )

    PotatoPirate July 23, 2021 11:30 pm
    That is very true, the way they respond to the situation and how the dialogue is written doesn’t really match? If that makes any sense. Anyway what I’m trying to say is that it doesn’t seem to be suspense... ✨weeei✨

    Yes, It was kinda confusing esp with the prince and king. I cant really distinguish who was thinking since the placement of dialogue is kinda off. Plus the way they act is different to their supposed character

    ✨weeei✨ July 23, 2021 11:43 pm
    Yes, It was kinda confusing esp with the prince and king. I cant really distinguish who was thinking since the placement of dialogue is kinda off. Plus the way they act is different to their supposed character PotatoPirate

    Yea definitely I can’t tell if he angry with the prince for hitting his biological daughter or working with him since in the chapter he seemed very angry and was just very chill afterward? The dialogue seems just a bit off