I can relate to him so painfully, especially when I'm still working as a teacher. This is ...

Kana July 23, 2021 7:21 pm

I can relate to him so painfully, especially when I'm still working as a teacher. This is exactly what it feels like to work with younger kids when you're depressed and so done with life. At 28 years old I decided to work as a writer instead of dreading my work and feeling dead inside all the time as I work with kids and force myself to smile and cheer for my students while I'm suffering inside.

    BlueTundra July 23, 2021 10:36 pm

    I worked for a while as a sub. It was awful. I hated myself even more while working that job--All it did was bring out the worst in me. I'm glad I stopped, because it wasn't fair to the kids either.