
She’s not well in the head for sure but apart from her craziness, her work is really good ! Blind Play is truly one of the best psychological BL (and I’ve read my fare share of psycho BL as it is one of my fave genre).They can say what they want about YD (the author) but saying that BP is bad / shitty / isn’t worth it, make them sound bitter and salty.
Every fucking time. Some manhwa gets removed and suddenly ‘it wasn’t even good’ ‘I was reading it for the smut only anyways’, how salty can yall be. Just appreciate the work, just because it’s getting removed doesn’t make it bad all of a sudden. You were still reading it whatever the reason, so just say you’re sad and no need to bash the work which you were enjoying up until now.
And no need to curse the author either. It’s their work they own it, it’s their income! Yes I read stuff here too but I’m not entitled to it, if it gets removed it’s the authors wish respect it. It’s like working a job and everyone praises your work and supports you but you don’t get paid, so it’s no wonder they wanna get paid for what they do.