
ApparentlyASwarmOfBees July 23, 2021 6:40 pm

Rubia is a character that doesn't need a male lead but she is indeed a character that could use some sort of love, even if tired of all, it would be nice if at least in this life she could pass away with a happy ending instead of a tragedy.
Also am I the only one who gets a lil' bit annoyed at how the blond dude is just, not giving up?? I mean, courting is one thing yeah, but, idk, she was openly unconfortable, isn't that a cue to change tactics or straight up leave her be? He is being too much, and it makes me just want to kick him in the balls #-.-)

    eve July 23, 2021 8:42 pm

    True, like sorry if I'm being rude but I don't appreciate you basically declaring that you'll 'steal' her from her fiance, like she was someone who can be stolen. I don't like you pushing her to do things she doesn't want to do just because you have some dirt on her (that's blackmailing). I don't like you pestering her everytime. You also don't respect her boundaries.

    Like idc how he's gonna act later, but unless he goes through a character development, I'll hate him. Like I get it that some people simp because he's handsome, but handsome just doesn't cut it for me.