This sex scene sucks at first it fucking hurt but he kept on doing it and after he told hi...

GrassJuice July 23, 2021 2:17 pm

This sex scene sucks at first it fucking hurt but he kept on doing it and after he told him to stop and he fucking continued

    afroluv July 23, 2021 2:34 pm

    There is more to the context. They've had sex before but the chief only inserted partway. This was their attempt to get the bottom used to his full length so that is why it hurt and that is why they kept going. Personally I think he should've let him have a break but I like tender semes, still Idt this is as rapey as your summary comment makes it out to be.

    GrassJuice July 24, 2021 12:24 am
    There is more to the context. They've had sex before but the chief only inserted partway. This was their attempt to get the bottom used to his full length so that is why it hurt and that is why they kept going.... afroluv

    They didn’t keep doing to make him use to it he literally said that he was lying about it hurting and that he actually felt good and even if it was to get used to him it’s blondie’s choice for it to continue or not

    afroluv July 24, 2021 12:54 am
    They didn’t keep doing to make him use to it he literally said that he was lying about it hurting and that he actually felt good and even if it was to get used to him it’s blondie’s choice for it to conti... GrassJuice

    I see a difference between forced sex/rape and rough sex imho the author intended the latter with this couple but that's just my opinion based in the context and art.
    By comparison, this looks like rape bc of the horror on Louis' face.

    GrassJuice July 24, 2021 4:01 am
    I see a difference between forced sex/rape and rough sex imho the author intended the latter with this couple but that's just my opinion based in the context and art.By comparison, this looks like rape bc of th... afroluv

    Its not bc he doesn’t know he’s being forced into it taht it means he isn’t and also it’s not bc his expression is less emotional than his that it doesn’t mean he isn’t feeling the same way

    afroluv July 24, 2021 4:47 am
