The reason y he can't get out of the streaming thing is because of that toxic mf with the ...

Mb18 July 23, 2021 12:20 pm

The reason y he can't get out of the streaming thing is because of that toxic mf with the glasses who used to be his father's friend. Bruh just leave the industry because he's fucking around with you and using you. I don't even know if what I'm saying is making sense but shit look at this situation your in now he's practically letting people rape you for more money he gets from his share of streams or whatever the hell, please for your own sake just leave the industry its disgusting to be used the way you are by someone who claims he's doing it for you or to be paid back for something he did for you. Like if he had good intentions he wouldn't have asked for anything in return. God I wanna kill him and beoms dad and every shitty person in beoms life like everyone sucks shit. Except for the coach and the top
