"I don't like this but I'm still commenting on an illeg@l site because my opinion matters"...

Si_Ara July 23, 2021 6:17 am

"I don't like this but I'm still commenting on an illeg@l site because my opinion matters" No no, you're not wrong, this is icky, and your opinion does matter. But this is not the first time, this manga has foreshadowed this couple for over thirty chapters now. And you're not paying for it. So your opinion doesn't matter. They aren't blood related in any way. They weren't even raised together tbh, he was away for most of the time, she grew up to be siblings with Cabel and the other twin who's name I can't recall. Is it still problmatic? Yes, to a large audience it is. At the same time, to a large audience, it is not. And since they are in no way blood related and she was literally only picked up because she looked similar, we don't have a clear verdict. So if you don't agree, go talk to the official author and tell em what you think, don't keep coming here every time it updates to drop your two cents or you'll be out of change :)
