Where to begin...

NafylaMetal July 23, 2021 5:36 am

So...was hitting Trigger bad? Absolutely! It was uncalled for. However, considering the times and the fact that Trigger was suppose to be her guardian, Alex was in his right to punish him for losing Chloe. Still, in the eyes/mindset of my modern thinking (and us knowing the fact that he was trying to save her from a very possible bad turn of events with her secrets leaking)....bad Duke! Bad!

For those who are shipping Trigger with Chloe. Yes, an arranged/contractual marriage can and has worked out for couples that have no romantic love, and yes, it's very much possible that being with Trigger would lead to Chloe having more certain freedoms than being with Alex...there's definitely more to that picture. As someone already posted, should Chloe ever want to have children or even just a romantic relationship in the future, she would be considered in very bad ways and any freedoms she'd had up til then would get seriously hindered. Not to mention...who's to say that Trigger wouldn't ever come to dislike or resent her for who knows what? Just because they are great friends and understanding of each other now doesn't mean that their relationship couldn't or wouldn't change under the inevitable pressures to have a child or any other thing that might/can happen. So, while it sounds like a win/win.....ehhhh....it's questionable.

As for whether Chole wouldn't be free as the wife of the Duke (and therefore being a Duchess)...that's not entirely accurate either. Yes, she would certainly be beholden to the duties and etiquette required of her rank/station, but that doesn't immediately strip her of freedom. Even in reality, in the old times, Duchesses and a lot of other highly ranked nobles could and did have their hobbies, gardening being one of the more favorable. While is definitely wouldn't be something she could make usual conversations about, it wouldn't be something to be ashamed of either. And seeing as how Alex loves her,(and how much he himself hates the burden of having to "live up to the standard") I can't imagine he would hold her back from doing as she pleases so long as she can do/does the minimum required as his Duchess. Hell, he may just make it where she can do whatever she wants without having to even worry over her "duties". And saying that those duties (should she have to/choose to worry over them) would be too much for her is just undermining her as an intelligent grown woman! Let's not forget that, even if it was for a short time and a time of abuse for her, she is/was a Princess. It may/probably will take her some time to get used to it and learn the ropes, but that's a given when in a new role for anyone/everyone. Even those who are taught the general knowledge from a young age still take time to adjust to the specifics of the work/house/job/duties they eventually find themselves in. Add in the factor that they do love each other and will most likely try to burden the other as little as possible.....how is it that being with the Duke is an immediate out because of something so vague as freedom? Freedom comes in many ways for different people.

In any case, sorry for the wall. I wanted to address most of the topics I'd seen in the comments. Love this story even if it's a verrrrry slow slow slow burn.

    Shizu July 23, 2021 5:58 pm

    Me can't read but I

    NafylaMetal July 23, 2021 6:01 pm
    Me can't read but I Shizu

    Then thank you very much none the less! Lol

    saredid July 23, 2021 10:16 pm

    how would they fall in love if trigger is gay??

    NafylaMetal July 23, 2021 11:03 pm
    how would they fall in love if trigger is gay?? saredid

    Ummm....don't quite understand why you're asking this, as I never mentioned Trigger being in love/ falling in love? Can you clarify so I can properly respond?

    saredid July 24, 2021 8:41 am
    Ummm....don't quite understand why you're asking this, as I never mentioned Trigger being in love/ falling in love? Can you clarify so I can properly respond? NafylaMetal

    i read wrong nvm