I let myself into the spoilers and now I don't know how to feel about the story lol... despite all the bullshit the weird two worlds plot had so much potential and apparently it will all go to the dumpster ....also, why Jiho??? I don't really like any of them too well, but Chunyeong gave off more MC vibes with his friends to lovers potential than the rest??? Is that just me spiraling?

Also agreed. the MC is childish, and her inferiority complex is pathetic. She pitys herself because the FL is the...well female lead. Not only that but she literally sacrificed herself for chunyeoung knowing that they would forget, just for her to cling on to them and whine that she lost them...and the fact she only got with jiho because he remembered her is lowk sick. She needs to grow up and move on.
Dropping this. I wanted to spoil myself on who the male lead was and it was jiho which was a total let down because I was totally rooting for chunyeoung. Anyways, she has a terrible inferiority complex against the heroine and wished for herself to disappear. She ended up leaving the universe to save chunyeoung from death and everyone lost their memories, in the end only jiho regained his memories back and blah blah blah they end up together. In conclusion the story is ass, plot is no where to be seen, and for all I care the MC can go die In a ditch somewhere, Good night.