Really nice story exposition on the psychology part. I can't say it's "realistic" but it d...

ciago July 23, 2021 4:45 am

Really nice story exposition on the psychology part. I can't say it's "realistic" but it definitely draws you into an interesting dynamic. However, I personally hate this story only because the ending is so incredibly frustrating and painful to witness. Instead of a "happy-ending" of sorts, we get the worst possible ending. One where the abuser and the victim are still in a "consensual" relationship. It feels slightly romanticized. I would've preferred a "horror" feeling of an ending where we understand that the relationship isn't unique to only those characters but a universal depiction of a toxic and inescapable relationship. Any ending besides this one would've been better.

    Not Your Friend October 17, 2023 7:27 pm

    I have to disagree. I don't think it was romanticized at all, as in the very last chapter we can see that Haruki has the chance to be with someone he should be, and it is laid out very transparently that he isn't making the right decision, and it's because he's broken. Real life doesn't always have happy endings, and while this manga is very painful to bear, it reflects exactly that. A happy ending is desirable, but it does not happen often in real life.

    ciago October 17, 2023 8:07 pm
    I have to disagree. I don't think it was romanticized at all, as in the very last chapter we can see that Haruki has the chance to be with someone he should be, and it is laid out very transparently that he isn... Not Your Friend

    im gonna be honest idfk what this story is about anymore its been 2 years

    JINLOVEMITSUYA February 1, 2024 3:07 am

    sadistic beauty bl side story ,this story is not romanticizing rape