I'm going to assume you mean, what are nonbinary people! A binary is a system where there are two possible answers. In the case of gender, the binaries are considered boy or girl. So nonbinary is for anyone who does not fit into those categories. It's an umbrella term, so there's a lot of variation person to person. They may be genderfluid (going between genders), a third inbetween gender, or agender (don't consider themself any gender). Gender is a complicated thing and everyone expresses themselves differently.
I am nonbinary, so if you have more questions, feel free to ask.

It can mean different things to different people, it can help to ask them what it means to them so that you get it right.
Essentially though for some who are nonbinary, they experience their gender as BOTH male and female. Others experience their gender as NEITHER male nor female.
Its often used by trans people. A trans nonbinary person is someone who doesn’t identify with the sex assigned at birth and they have a gender identity that they don't categorise as exclusively male or female.

non-binary is an identity were someone falls outside the gender binary. It is also a spectrum. they don't feel like a man or a woman.People who do identify as non-binary may have their own definition of what that means to them. non-binary =not binary
not aligning with the gender binary (also gender is a social construct built around sex)

hi!! non-binary is a umbrella term, just like the word queer. non binary just means anybody who does not identify as a boy or a girl or somebody who can identify as both a boy and a girl or neither. Some examples can be people who identify as gender fluid, bigender, agender and people who use they/them pronouns and neopronouns.

There is no biological gender. Gender is a social construct. You're thinking of sex. Most people that consider themselves nonbinary are transgender, meaning they do not feel like the sex they were assigned at birth.
It is rude to call anyone something they didn't prefer. For example, if you call a man "miss" or "she", most would probably correct you, right? Not every nonbinary person uses they, but a lot of people like it cause its neutral. You have to ask the individual what they'd like to be called.There are plenty of cisgender (people that aren't trans) that use they pronouns too!
Anoo can someone explain to me what is the non-binary mean? Ion understand it and Google seem cant help me ╥﹏╥