FL Sister

XxXxX July 23, 2021 2:54 am

Maybe we’re missing some of the emotional impact because this is an adaptation and not the original novel but… there’s nothing redeeming about the sister. It was obvious from the start that she went for Dray but he didn’t show any interest so she went after the brother instead. Maybe to make Dray jealous or something. Obviously that didn’t work. Then her attitude towards her sister shows no understanding or appreciation for the sacrifices she’s made for her. Theres not a single action that shows the same support her sister (FL) showed her. She got married to a rich guy, why didn’t she say “let me help you pay for med school sis”? Like she literally was able to be carefree and pursue whatever she wanted because FL was there to back her up. Her “apology” for calling FL out on her no dating experience was insincere to me. it really just looked like she was trying to prevent them from dating because she looked down on her own sister. “Why should my sister, who never dresses up or have ever been on a date, get to date this handsome rich guy that I met first?” And then she continues to interfere with them after they started dating. You can say that she was trying to help her sister but she created the misunderstanding in the first place. Plus, the ML literally said “She told me you were with another guy”. What reason do you have to say something like that someone other than to cause a misunderstanding? You may be sisters but sometimes there are lines that you shouldn’t cross. She was selfish to the end, which was made very apparent by the letter she wrote. Her own sister said it. She wrote the letter expecting it to smooth over all the mistakes she’s made and the fact that she addressed it to her sister meant she was expecting her to do the clean up for her.

    Lizan February 17, 2024 6:22 pm

    Your are absolutely right