Somehow im actually kinda mad at the seme. The uke was already so insecure and anxious and...

PotatoPirate July 23, 2021 12:15 am

Somehow im actually kinda mad at the seme. The uke was already so insecure and anxious and possibly a little bit traumatized with his prev relationships but the seme still decided to push that gimmick to test him. I get that he was also somehow played by the uke with the push and pull but he knew what was going on before. He knew that min was not gonna take him seriously anytime soon. They were communicating about it. This scenario is different. Min was left in the dark overthinking whether the seme has someone else. Please people, don’t make your partners anxious. It’s not good to test their feelings and play with their insecurities just because you wanna prove something. And if youre not together, still, dont play with othrs feelings. If youre not ready for commitment or something serious say it immediately. Dont give false hopes.

    ♪(´ε` ) cazz.tonimy July 23, 2021 10:44 am

    agreed, like did he really not trust the uke THAT much where he brought in a guy that he alr knew uke was insecure of and then made him even MORE insecure and when the uke found out and was sobbing talking about how he shouldn’t have done that and he really does love him, the seme makes more… jokes?… like the seme is just sucky lol, he and others justified it because the seme was after him for a while, like ok, but the seme is still a dick

    PotatoPirate July 23, 2021 11:39 am
    agreed, like did he really not trust the uke THAT much where he brought in a guy that he alr knew uke was insecure of and then made him even MORE insecure and when the uke found out and was sobbing talking abou... ♪(´ε` ) cazz.tonimy

    We actually had high hopes for him. He waited for the uke for years. He was willing to get used by him because he liked him and wanted to be with him. But when they finally got together he pulled that sht? I know that he’s also anxious about their relationship but why he gotta do that? And yes, when the uke cried it’s like he wasnt sorry that he did that and was somehow giving off the aura that it worked and he was thankful that he did it. Not remorseful that he made his partner anxious. Even if he did chase for the uke for years i dont think he actually has the right to play with his feelings and test him. I Was actually expecting him to be understanding because he knew the uke’s feelings, insecurities, and all that but he was the first to actually mess up with him.

    ♪(´ε` ) cazz.tonimy July 23, 2021 12:22 pm
    We actually had high hopes for him. He waited for the uke for years. He was willing to get used by him because he liked him and wanted to be with him. But when they finally got together he pulled that sht? I kn... PotatoPirate

    i 100% like he was showing mad toxic signs when he showed no remorse for making the uke CRY? and the third party which was already someone who was and still is suspicious into the drama?? like it i were the uke id be SO upset.

    PotatoPirate July 23, 2021 8:00 pm
    i 100% like he was showing mad toxic signs when he showed no remorse for making the uke CRY? and the third party which was already someone who was and still is suspicious into the drama?? like it i were the uke... ♪(´ε` ) cazz.tonimy

    It’s a major red flag :(((

    ♪(´ε` ) cazz.tonimy July 24, 2021 1:58 pm
    It’s a major red flag :((( PotatoPirate

    honestly i would think hed treat him well after the years for chasing him at the LEAST