
kyaaaa! emiyaaaa! July 22, 2021 11:55 pm

i hope it’s not just me that has always thought YT was youtube and not white

    Cum July 22, 2021 11:58 pm

    It’s both obviously and using context clues half the time you can figure out if people are referring to “white” or “YouTube”

    kyaaaa! emiyaaaa! July 23, 2021 12:00 am
    It’s both obviously and using context clues half the time you can figure out if people are referring to “white” or “YouTube” Cum

    oh ok thanx im hoping you didn’t mean it in a mean way

    Dorime July 23, 2021 12:10 am

    same i got confused when people kept on saying yt in tiktok

    Mangaloverr_112 July 23, 2021 12:38 am
    oh ok thanx im hoping you didn’t mean it in a mean way kyaaaa! emiyaaaa!

    Ya idk ahahah it kinda sounded passive aggressive.. but they are right

    Mangaloverr_112 July 23, 2021 12:40 am

    SAME! I saw a video and it said “only the yt people smh” so I thought it had to do with YouTube people lmao. The comments confirmed that it meant white not YouTube…

    Ambrosia July 23, 2021 12:42 am

    It’s the same for me with sl, I’ve seen it being used for both straight love and solo leveling. Sometimes I read it wrong, then figure out which one they meant by context clues and have to go back to reread the comment lol.

    Kuku’s Nee-Chan July 23, 2021 1:03 am
    It’s the same for me with sl, I’ve seen it being used for both straight love and solo leveling. Sometimes I read it wrong, then figure out which one they meant by context clues and have to go back to reread... Ambrosia

    i read SL as straight love, and i usually do read it as straight love because well the whole context is abt straight love? lol - i get what you are saying

    Kuku’s Nee-Chan July 23, 2021 1:03 am
    SAME! I saw a video and it said “only the yt people smh” so I thought it had to do with YouTube people lmao. The comments confirmed that it meant white not YouTube… Mangaloverr_112

    i wouldve read it as “only the youtube people smh” first, then would b like “hMMMMMM….” but yeah, totally getcha