I can't imagine the emperor's past motivations

Yona6 July 22, 2021 11:27 pm

I don't know. In that type of story I usually wait to see why a character did what he did in the previous like but I don't really want to see the emperor's motives in that story.

I mean, I think it would annoy me, since no matter what excuses the author find him, I would NOT be satisfied.

Killing his own son ? Raping Mc ? Killing Mc's Family ? No matter what they say, these are facts that will never change.

I dont care if they say something like : "the emperor actually wanted to protect Mc because of X reason so that's why he acted like that", or an excuse like that. There is a moment when the consequences are more importants than the motives.

Mc was mentally, and physically abused. A Young child was brutally murdered. People died. And nothing that the author will make will change my pov of the emperor. He is a trash, a rapist, a terrible lover, and a terrible father.

Now that this is said, I can read more calmly this story, since this is about a 2nd life.
So for now, the emperor hasn't followed the same path, and he killed no one. He is not perfect, but I don't dislike him. I want to see his evolution.

But It doesn't change my mind ever about the past life's emperor, so I really hope there will be no flashback, since no matter the excuses, nothing will change what he did.

So yes I can say that I feel 2 very different feelings for the same character.
