yall ruin shit acting like this

fork July 22, 2021 8:22 pm

"dOnt REaD It iF yOU dONT lIkE iT"

don't read the comments if you don't want to see people expressing their opinions. you're not special and your comment ain't any more important. sick of ya'll acting like just because you like it others can't say they don't, whether they saw the tag or not. so hypocritical.

from what i could find, the definition of shotacon is "sometimes shortened to shota, is a Japanese slang portmanteau of the phrase Shōtarō complex and describes an attraction to young boys, or an individual with such an attraction. Outside Japan, the term is used less often with this meaning. It refers to a genre of manga and anime wherein pre-pubescent or pubescent male characters are depicted in a suggestive or erotic manner." ( https://jisho.org/word/%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A7%E3%82%BF%E3%82%B3%E3%83%B3 )

so they could just not have a problem with a character LOOKING younger, but do when it IS a child (which Rei is, it's literally said so in the manga).
or missed the tag and thought it was just a smaller uke in the pic. whatever the reason, they have as much of a right as you do to say what they think/want abt the manga in a C O M M E N T section.

c o m m e n t. s e c t i o n.

    X-xToleratedx-X July 22, 2021 11:05 pm

    I'm fully on board with people expressing their opinion, but that means you do it in a way that doesn't make anyone else feel bad. "I don't like this manga, I'm gonna stop reading it..." But I don't see any of those comments. All I see is: "This is disgusting, you're all disgusting and sick for reading this shit! They shouldn't be promoting this blah blah blah." I wish people could be respectful of each other's opinions when no one is doing anything illegal.

    fork July 22, 2021 11:46 pm
    I'm fully on board with people expressing their opinion, but that means you do it in a way that doesn't make anyone else feel bad. "I don't like this manga, I'm gonna stop reading it..." But I don't see any of ... X-xToleratedx-X

    I haven’t seen that once, I’ve just seen the ‘DONT READ IT IF YOU DONT LIKE IT’ spammed. I’m sure there were some at one point but the only other ones are ‘wtf’ ‘I’m not reading this’ ‘don’t read this’. Which aren’t attacking at all.
    The people on the other side w don’t read this shit are being disrespectful, too. I’ve seen them commenting and calling people names and shit. Someone came at me and I wasn’t even dissing the story lmfao.

    And well, laws are different internationally (possibly even nationally from there) and there are places where this would be considered Child pornography, and as such, illegal. And also, reading on here is illegal lol.

    X-xToleratedx-X July 23, 2021 8:16 am
    I haven’t seen that once, I’ve just seen the ‘DONT READ IT IF YOU DONT LIKE IT’ spammed. I’m sure there were some at one point but the only other ones are ‘wtf’ ‘I’m not reading this’ ‘don... fork

    Yeah, but this website is illegal for different reasons. I meant if someone is looking at ACTUAL minors on some dark website, that is beyond messed up. They use actual children, this website is 100% fiction. And I get you haven't seen those comments, I'm telling you what I'VE seen. There are plenty of people saying they wanna vomit because we protect shotacon and how we are messed up. The 'don't like it don't read it' comments are only directed at THOSE people and it's true, right? You cannot possibly miss the shotacon genre, the entire manga is oozing it.
    You can't complain about shit you already knew and make others feel bad for it.

    fork July 23, 2021 12:36 pm
    Yeah, but this website is illegal for different reasons. I meant if someone is looking at ACTUAL minors on some dark website, that is beyond messed up. They use actual children, this website is 100% fiction. An... X-xToleratedx-X

    I'm not getting into why fictional children being sexualized is still children being sexualized and the issues behind that.
    I said I'm sure there were comments like that. I didn't deny it. I just told you what I'VE seen. and they're aren't that many, at least there haven't been. No, it's not just directed at those people, it's at anyone who has anything bad to say abt it, even if they're not mentioning the shotacon part. Idgaf if people are saying others are messed up for liking shotacon when the same people protecting it are treating them like they're stupid when they don't understand shotacon to begin with. It's not all depicting actual minors, shotacon also includes "young-looking" guys. As stated in the definition of this post. I also posted other possible reasons someone may not have expected this to be about an actual child and not just a tiny uke.
    That's literally what they're doing. Anytime someone disagrees or doesn't like a manga/manhwa/manhua, there's a little hoard of SJW wanna bes screaming bout "dOnt REaD iT tHEN". They know there's gonna be people who don't read the tags, they know there's gonna be people who are upset by this, and make others feel bad for it. It really doesn't matter who's attacking first, because they both are. Both have their own reasons, that are justified. Shotacon isn't some black and white topic. You can't justify them attacking people and be upset about being attacked by the other side?

    X-xToleratedx-X July 23, 2021 1:20 pm
    I'm not getting into why fictional children being sexualized is still children being sexualized and the issues behind that. I said I'm sure there were comments like that. I didn't deny it. I just told you what ... fork

    I cannot think of one reason why someone wouldn't read the tags. I, for one, can't deal with psychological genres. It makes me feel terrible, so for every single manga I make sure that that genre is not included. I personally think it's stupid when you're aware of your triggers and don't even bother to check if it's included... But I see that we're not getting anywhere with this. How about we just agree to disagree?

    fork July 23, 2021 3:17 pm
    I cannot think of one reason why someone wouldn't read the tags. I, for one, can't deal with psychological genres. It makes me feel terrible, so for every single manga I make sure that that genre is not include... X-xToleratedx-X

    Disagreeing with the ethics of shotacon, especially when it involves characters that are minors/underage, is not the same as a trigger.
    I don't read tags. I just don't think to. Cause I don't have triggers when it comes to reading stories/manga and the like. But that doesn't mean I'll like or agree with the story and I don't have to put it nicely.

    if thats what you want idc

    X-xToleratedx-X July 23, 2021 3:46 pm
    Disagreeing with the ethics of shotacon, especially when it involves characters that are minors/underage, is not the same as a trigger. I don't read tags. I just don't think to. Cause I don't have triggers when... fork

    It's for the best.