Seth may be a murderer but all I want is his happiness!!!!!! Looking foreard for the chara...

WK76 July 22, 2021 7:56 pm

Seth may be a murderer but all I want is his happiness!!!!!! Looking foreard for the character(s) develpment

    a real human being July 22, 2021 9:28 pm

    i love how we as a whole fandom completely forgive seth for the whole MURDERING ENTIRE VILLAGES all because we collectively find him hot and hate osiris more

    Trespassing July 22, 2021 10:57 pm
    i love how we as a whole fandom completely forgive seth for the whole MURDERING ENTIRE VILLAGES all because we collectively find him hot and hate osiris more a real human being

    Yes, you should hate Osiris more since he's the fundamental reason for the occurrence of a problem in the first place but let's get one thing right that no one blindly forgiven Seth or overlook his misdeeds cause of his looks.

    WK76 July 23, 2021 3:18 am
    i love how we as a whole fandom completely forgive seth for the whole MURDERING ENTIRE VILLAGES all because we collectively find him hot and hate osiris more a real human being

    Hi!It's not because he's handsome or hot. His crimes are extreme and unforgivable. But, I think the punishment he received is at least enough for the atonement of his crimes. Also, I think it's because the plot is about Gods, ruler, mythology which is why we have opinions like this. But, I hope we can't also forget the fact that before someone did Seth dirty, he was also a victim who just wants happiness for his family and for Egypt. That is why we need the character development to justify the 'happiness' we think he deserve at the end of the story

    Sinbecamebless July 23, 2021 5:18 pm
    i love how we as a whole fandom completely forgive seth for the whole MURDERING ENTIRE VILLAGES all because we collectively find him hot and hate osiris more a real human being

    lol as we should