Shiro July 22, 2021 10:48 am

I don't think there's such thing as like code of ethics when it comes to fiction, that's why there are many fictions out there that contains sensitive topics or societal problems and even disturbing ones. Romance between an adult and minor is quite common too. But you know, NOT ALL FICTION STORIES ARE FOR EVERYONE. If you are sensitive and not okay w/ fictional romance between an adult and minor, then you probably shouldn't read this. There's also this thing called TARGET AUDIENCE in every stories, so then again, IF YOU'RE NOT OKAY WITH THIS KIND OF STORY THEN THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. Besides, just because there are people who are okay with these kinds of fictional stories doesn't mean that they tolerate such things in the real world too! We still know what is right & wrong in the reality (although there are also people who are mixing fiction in real life, but that's another story)
