But what about Ryuzaki?

FujiDeea October 12, 2016 8:44 pm

Am I the only one hoping that Ryuzaki finds his own homo? I mean he was clearly in love with Yashiro but he couldn't save him from himself like Doumeki can (and probably will). How do you think Ryuzaki will feel when he finds out that Doumeki could so easily obtain what slipped thru his fingers so many times?

    Anonymous October 15, 2016 6:23 pm

    He was in love with Doumeki, but he could also be bisexual :) I hope he continues to be with his girlfriend and treats her well

    FujiDeea October 16, 2016 8:15 pm
    He was in love with Doumeki, but he could also be bisexual :) I hope he continues to be with his girlfriend and treats her well @Anonymous

    I don't know about treating her well, it might mean something different in the yakuza world. They probably have one official woman, who they buy all sorts of things and support them financially but sleep around with other women. Even Nanahara had woman but frequented the soap lands