how do i put my mangago back to black? i hate white, it hurts my eyes, blac...
Need help please
reco redemption arc
Hello I need Recs
Does anyone know where to read the debut or die novel?
just wanted to say its my birthday
any regression/transmigration series that is genuinely interesting? can be ...
Looking for Yaoi, cant remember the title
Red flag uke's are rare so, recommendations?
looking for this horror manga.
im pretty sure it was about these ppl who no matter how much they tried they could'nt ki!! themselves cz of a talking bull/ox.
and that animal would tell them a date when they would die even if they didnt want to. they thought it was some kind of joke.
but later one dude died exactly how the bull/ox said he would and it was by some clock post
srry if the explanation isnt too good but if u think u know it plz tell me(⊙…⊙ )