From what I remember from the novel....
Vinter is nice and all but he isn't that innocent either. There was a part where he intentionally put Penelope in danger just to test her and see how she reacts cuz he didn't trust her and thought she is working with the antagonist. But ofc, he later realizes that Penelope is not evil and falls for her but decides to keep his feelings for her a secret cuz she was in love with the Crown Prince.

Nope. Eclise brings Yvonne back to the duchy but it is Derrick who brings Yvonne to Penelope's coming of age ceremony, just to humiliate her and show her that she is not the real daughter. The Duke and Renald wanted to keep the fact that they found the real daughter a secret to public but Derrick had to ruin it all by inviting Yvonne to Penelope's 18th birthday banquet.

You mean why Eclise ended up betraying Penelope? Well he gets extremely possesive over her and wanted to keep her all to himself. He totally loses his shit when he finds out that she is falling in love with the Crown Prince so he decides to bring back Yvonne, thinking that everyone would abandon Penelope once the real daughter is back and then he can finally have her. However, the plan ends up going horribly wrong and after his betrayal, Penelope ends up abandoning him so he gets more obsessive. Honestly, I feel really bad for Eclise. What he did was wrong but the poor boy has gone through a lot and deserves happiness. He mistakes his obsession with her as love.

what no he doesn't [spoilers] eclise brought her back to the duchy and derrick brought her to penelope's coming of age ceremony. She didn't choose vinter because she was in love callisto....that's it. vinter is the second male lead and he is on her side. he has trust issues at first towards her at first but he is on her side.

And that's not even the tip of the iceberg. The story gets a lot more darker little by little. Isekai romance manhwas tend to be wholesome and lighthearted, however this one is totally different as it deals with some seriously dark and depressing stuff. I'm just happy that at the end of the novel, Penelope finally gets her long awaited and well deserved happy ending.
From spoilers we know that Callisto is main ML but why doesn't MC choose venter?