AdinaAnime1900 July 22, 2021 2:17 am

So I want to find this Yaoi That I read a while back but can't find:

-It's a black and white Manga.

-I don't remember what the main protag did but I think he moved into a new apartment and meets these two lovers, they're his neighbors.

-One's eccentric, loud, and extroverted and his lover is his exact opposite. But they end up sleeping with the main protag (threesome) who's just a nervous, shy person.

-I only remember It because when they woke up the next morning the extroverted one said something along the lines of: "Why complain? Everyone knows that being in the middle is the best position." Or something along the lines of being in the middle, in a threesome, is better than being top or bottom cause he's giving and receiving at the same time.

-I think at one point he ends up in a relationship with them and they end up stealing money and his stuff and basically abandon him with nothing.

-They do come back, I don't remember if it's months or years, but they come back.

P.S. - It's not Yatamomo. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)
