To the people saying that the manager is bad and sus and stuff like just remember that he ...

Yezzir~it's a me MARIO July 21, 2021 8:06 pm

To the people saying that the manager is bad and sus and stuff like just remember that he didn’t do anything bad to Hyeok when he found out he had someone. Yea I get that he touched him and did all that. But he stopped right when he said found out he had someone. Thank you for reading luvs (if I didn’t make sense then well that just sad)

    Melosh July 21, 2021 8:13 pm

    Lmao I agree, I agree, I agree!!
    Tbh idc if he's sus or whatever, but most of the ppl are fucking overreacting over a little touching?? I srsly don't get it...
    also he was honest to inseo that he's interested in hyeok and that doesn't make him sus at all tf

    Dani July 21, 2021 8:14 pm

    Boy what the hell…he literally sexually assaulted him but okay. Touching someone without their consent is never okay. Even if they don’t go all the way.

    IamHere July 21, 2021 8:14 pm

    But regardless he planed to rape him… so he is bad… also unwanted touching is still a form of sexual assault

    Melosh July 21, 2021 8:27 pm
    But regardless he planed to rape him… so he is bad… also unwanted touching is still a form of sexual assault IamHere

    to me rape is sex without the other person's consent (if the victim's asleep and has no control, that'd be another story... that'd be rape as well, but yeh), you can call this sexual harassment if you wanna but you gotta keep in mind that he STOPPED on his own, no other person had to stop him or had to save hyeok, he even tried to bring him home, okk?? now you'd ask if he had any bad intention but we never know cuz the story goes on... some ppl do it cuz they get swept away and go overboard but when reality hit them, they stop just like that boss when he heard inseo's name instead of his

    y'all being damn sensitive, also that's my point of view but I hate ppl overreacting like that

    Lanwangji July 21, 2021 8:27 pm
    Lmao I agree, I agree, I agree!! Tbh idc if he's sus or whatever, but most of the ppl are fucking overreacting over a little touching?? I srsly don't get it...also he was honest to inseo that he's interested in... Melosh

    Over reacting because of a little touching???

    Has Been sexually harassing an unknowing man and planned to rape the MC but stopped 'because he has someone' as OP stated.

    Pretty predatory to me. This is unacceptable. Don't touch or attempt to arouse a drunk person no matter what. They can't consent. We are not overreacting. We are showing you how we deem such behaviour unacceptable and would intervene of this happened in real life.
    This is not just some little touching as you said.

    I was molested as a kid and had no idea what it was about when it happened only that it was an unpleasant feeling and that I didn't want to be touched(but I didn't understand so there was no was coerced). When I learn later on what really happened to me I felt disgusted of myself and the perpetrator. Imagine if the MC later learns of this. The authors like to brush such things off but this is super serious and traumatising. It is not a little is an act of dominance over someone under influence.

    Melosh July 21, 2021 8:48 pm
    Over reacting because of a little touching???Has Been sexually harassing an unknowing man and planned to rape the MC but stopped 'because he has someone' as OP stated.Pretty predatory to me. This is unacceptabl... Lanwangji

    I'm sorry, but I was only talking about the story's content and the situation in the story even, ofc it's disgusting getting touched when you're drunk but still... to me this is just a story, and I think the boss is interesting
    Frankly said, I'm not interested in what you have experienced, this is your private matter which I don't want to interfere, cuz I've got my own issues
    I'm sorry if I expressed my first reply to this comment falsely, which probably got you worked up or disturbed, again I've got another POV to this matter and I do consider rape as a difficult subject, however some people use words such as rape without even thinking much about it, which annoyed me so fucking much

    Well I'd like to mention more things but I'm too tired


    Lanwangji July 21, 2021 9:06 pm
    I'm sorry, but I was only talking about the story's content and the situation in the story even, ofc it's disgusting getting touched when you're drunk but still... to me this is just a story, and I think the bo... Melosh

    I see you do not want to continue this argument and realising that the way you phrased it was very ambiguous and therefore triggered many in this thread. You do not need to reply as I have read your answer and what I am about to say is only to elaborate my answer. It is quite long too and many people have expressed their nonchalant attitude refusing to even read what I wrote. This is not intended for you but for anyone who believes that the scene was okay.

    Most people do not like it when personal experiences are brought up and even if you do not care or is not interested, sometimes reality should be brought in so that we wouldn't be too engrossed in fiction.

    I did not bring up my trauma to win an argument. It is only to highlight how disgusting it is to be touched when you do not know anything even if it is a little touch. And, yes, I would rather you not put input to it either and thank you for doing so.

    I do understand that you find him interesting. It is fine. Your opinion.

    But you got to understand that some people were romanticising him and brushing off what he did. Which is not okay and probably why people are worked up. Some people such consider this man a potential rapist or predator but as you have seen I haven't gone as far as to call him a rapist but he indeed sexaully molested and harassed him. He stopped but the deed was done. If he wasn't taken, he would have gone all the way. "No fun". It didn't sit right with me and probably many others. So please understand our harsh words. We just can't condone author's sometimes brushing off assault and molestation so lightly

    Melosh July 21, 2021 9:28 pm
    I see you do not want to continue this argument and realising that the way you phrased it was very ambiguous and therefore triggered many in this thread. You do not need to reply as I have read your answer and ... Lanwangji

    I understand that you wanted to enlighten people that this is sexual assault and highlighted it with your own experience and perspective.

    I would like you to understand that it's the authors story and not ours, we are only readers with different point of views. There are many other very interesting psychological stories, where authors deal with many kinds of psychological disorder, traumas, laws and ethics.

    Stories are drawn and written to spice things up, to attract readers and get them swept away, taking them to an emotional roller coaster. They cannot always deepen the issues in stories. As for this story, it doesn't deal with any disorders, etc.

    If you think it's unacceptable that the author brushed it easily off, then you can stop right there. Ask yourself, why you are reading this story in the first place. It's because the plot is good and the author succeeded attracting readers to read their story and 'trapped' you in it, that's the actual purpose of an author. You have to consider, that the author probably isn't taking this topic lightly, they got their private lives as well, so we never know what they really think.

    You may be aware of what I've said just now, I just wanted to keep it present.

    24hxuurs July 21, 2021 9:37 pm
    But regardless he planed to rape him… so he is bad… also unwanted touching is still a form of sexual assault IamHere

    i agree. no matter how 'hot' the boss is, if he didnt call out inseo's name the boss would have most likey gone all they way without consent. thats sexual assault.

    24hxuurs July 21, 2021 9:38 pm

    he shouldn't have touched him while he was drunk regardless of whether hyeok was with someone or not there was so consent.

    Jaythegay July 21, 2021 9:52 pm
    Over reacting because of a little touching???Has Been sexually harassing an unknowing man and planned to rape the MC but stopped 'because he has someone' as OP stated.Pretty predatory to me. This is unacceptabl... Lanwangji

    Exactly and he only stopped cuz the MC called inseo’s named and it turned him off but before that he was planning to rape him these people are to blind to it just cuz he’s hot

    Datenshou July 21, 2021 9:55 pm

    LMAO WHAT? If someone you don't see as a romantic partner or such licks all over your nipples while you're asleep would you be fine with it? Sure he had a shirt on, but that doesn't change sh*t.

    Jaythegay July 21, 2021 9:59 pm
    LMAO WHAT? If someone you don't see as a romantic partner or such licks all over your nipples while you're asleep would you be fine with it? Sure he had a shirt on, but that doesn't change sh*t. Datenshou

    Even if two people are dating that doesn’t mean consent especially while one is unconscious or drunk enough to mistake you for someone else

    IamHere July 21, 2021 10:22 pm
    he shouldn't have touched him while he was drunk regardless of whether hyeok was with someone or not there was so consent. 24hxuurs


    random person July 22, 2021 7:02 am

    he still SA while he was asleep?! like wtf

    cupcake July 22, 2021 7:10 am

    what bullshit are you spouting, he was planning to rape him, and thank god he stopped. why are you praising him for stopping as if what he did in the first place was normal? you wouldnt even comment this if the sexual assaulter was someone who is ugly, yall would find any excuse to simp for a terrible character.
    i think it’s fine to say he’s hot, and that u like how he looks. but dont try to excuse his actions, u can still like his looks and still acknowledge his wrongdoings.
    your whole thread is just awful.

    blackFushoji101 July 22, 2021 7:28 am

    Oh, HELL no... i know theyre not here tryna protect a rapist..