FUCK NOOOOOO!!!!! HE HAS A KIIIIDDD.... WITH AN UNINTERESTING WOMAN NO LESS. *coughs* This is not meant to offend anyone, I just never shipped them in the first place. Sohyang is just too much a typical woman and I find that someone different would suit Kwon better.
like who????? besides, his feelings for her was there from the beginning. this was the obvious outcome. Arianna
No one I guess. To be honest, I feel that romance would actually spoil the plot since the genre was mainly martial arts. But if you don't think the same way and actually ship them, please don't get mad at me... >.<
No one I guess. To be honest, I feel that romance would actually spoil the plot since the genre was mainly martial arts. But if you don't think the same way and actually ship them, please don't get mad at me...... Yukio Takamiya
Don't worry. I get what you meant. But it is nice to have a little bit of romance though, right? And they even had Yoon. So,it's still good and fun. ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
Don't worry. I get what you meant. But it is nice to have a little bit of romance though, right? And they even had Yoon. So,it's still good and fun. ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ izz
can u please remind me which comic this thread is from?
This is not meant to offend anyone, I just never shipped them in the first place. Sohyang is just too much a typical woman and I find that someone different would suit Kwon better.