
Misuu July 21, 2021 1:11 pm

╥﹏╥ Why old Luciffela don't treat her dad preciously- COMEON

    HimeBrainz July 21, 2021 5:02 pm

    Probably because he is emotionally neglectful (as can be seen in how he treats her) he loves her, but he didn't trust her and love can't exist without trust, leading to her feeling betrayed

    _FanGirl56_ July 23, 2021 12:46 pm
    Probably because he is emotionally neglectful (as can be seen in how he treats her) he loves her, but he didn't trust her and love can't exist without trust, leading to her feeling betrayed HimeBrainz

    Yea her dad seems more afraid of letting go of his daughter more than raising her to be a good person.

    Ish26 July 24, 2021 7:44 am
    Yea her dad seems more afraid of letting go of his daughter more than raising her to be a good person. _FanGirl56_

    It’s guilt. You see it a lot in widowed or absent type parents, usually fathers. They love their child, but its almost an obligatory love than one created out of any real bond. They use material things as an attempt to push off the guilt and hid the gap. Make the appearance of a doting father, but they don’t actual put in the work to deepen the relationship or address the issues.

    HimeBrainz July 24, 2021 4:06 pm
    It’s guilt. You see it a lot in widowed or absent type parents, usually fathers. They love their child, but its almost an obligatory love than one created out of any real bond. They use material things as an ... Ish26

    You're so right! I never even thought about that. I always thought that when he showed "love: to her it seemed more like he was acting out a role than showing actual love to his daughter. I feel bad for him, but worse for her.