You have a dream that white, green and blue dragon’s life span has ended…then the next...

Yu Yang July 21, 2021 11:52 am

You have a dream that white, green and blue dragon’s life span has ended…then the next day you agree to participate in the war with them. But you don’t know what that dream is about? the life span dream could have nothing to do with the war, but I’m just saying.

    Kasey July 21, 2021 2:20 pm

    yea i have a feeling something might happen during the war too ( ̄∇ ̄")

    but yona cant just decline because of a dream since the current situation is too serious.. it'd be different tho if she actually has her mom's powers omg

    Yosselyn July 21, 2021 6:00 pm

    Well she also had a dream about the hyriuu castle being burn to the ground, that means they lost the war and the kingdom collapsed..... If she does nothing then that dream can become reality and the purpose of the red dragon is "to restore the dawn at last" (which I think it means that yona is gonna fix the kingdom somehow) if she let's the kingdom fall then she wouldn't fulfill her role in the prophecy...