Warning: The spoiler a little bit longer
Read at your own risk
Credit to EmmJay
The true villan was the Father
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The Father. A Scumbag who'll live with regret.
That's all it's about.
Pretty much sums it up. From the beginning, until the end, he was really the true antagonist of this whole story. Worst than the actual Demon, since it was solely based by his own actions that led up to the despair and destruction of people around him.
The man was well known for being Neutral, to the extent that he kept his own children pretty much locked up in the house.
While they both excelled academically and had a wide array of knowledge, Socially they were inept. (More so for Kiera)
Because of this, under the pretext of maintaining neutrality he pretty much just stood in the sidelines and watched as his First Wife suffered abuse.
Using the Grand Dukes neutrality as leverage the Second Wife's family created more oppurtunties for misunderstandings and insults directed to the First Wife.
Even after knowing the family of his Second Wife hired assassins to kill the First Wife and her family, he remained neutral.
The First Wife was slandered of being barren, unable to give birth.
Except she was actually pregant. In despair of her situation she formed a contract with a Demon who she offered her soul to, to protect her unborn child and take revenge on the Parvis family.
(이란성 쌍둥이인 줄 몰랐어요.)
I didn't know they were fratnernal twins.
This is where it gets wierd, since I'm not given enough context to know who they're talking about which is confusing. It could swing either way in decribing the First Wife and her own brother or if she herself actually gave birth to fraternal twins. I have a source that says Son, and there's this which clearly talks about Two people. Either way we at least know she gave birth to a girl.
The Demon contracted took possesion of the body and in the process killed off the child in doing so. So from the very start the child in the womb never lived.
Fulfilling the phrophecy, but it is ambigious to the readers if the Water spirit would have changed masters even if the real Cosette had lived.
Cosette is older than Kiera.
There was a sole member of the First Wifes family who survived, and that was her brother. He is now an Earl, and wants revenge.
I'm not sure if he also made a contract with the same Demon as his sister, but they make contact and as you can see in the webtoon he was the one who introduced Cosette.
In the first 회귀 (timeline) The Earl and the First wifes Revenge was succesful and the world turned into Hell.
Going back just a bit, when Cosette arrived and there was confusion among the masses, as to who the real daughter was there was a vote that took place on whether to execute Kiera.
For all his political posturing as a Neutral party the Grand Duke himself voted to Kill off his own daughter.
At the time he actually knew that Kiera was his biological daughter, but still sent her off to the guillotine.
Present time, when Cosette actually arrives the plot becomes almost comical. Since the fight between the two girls is more of a psychological warfare, with verbal insults hurled at the other rather than being physical.
Cosette is a Demon she can't control the spirits. Some one here said it could be her bloodline, but the comments keep talking about her 마술 -her magic so I'm not sure. Being a Demon can you control a Divine being?
(하지만, 정령사의 힘이 발동되는 찰나 코제트가 먼저 힘을 발현하면서 키이라는 가짜공녀가 됩니다)
However, as soon as the Spirit was activated, Cosette manifested her powers first and Kiera became the Fake princess.
This is the scene where Kiera was able to draw out her Spirit, but was beaten to the punch by Cosette. In shock she never realized she actally succeeded, which then led to her demise.
The Demon doesn't follow human logic, it killed off all those who signed with it. Is what one reviewer said.
The Grand Duke now wants to be treated like a father, which is irresponsible condsidering everything that he's done. Neglect, borderline abuse and passing the blame.
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Conflicts are not really explained. The concept is heavy, but the writing is light.
The ending is an open end, where Kiera is seen going on a trip. Traveling and exploring the world, this is after her and her brother completley cut ties with their father.
The conclusion being She will continue to walk her own path.
The Novel genre is 로판 which is just an abbreviation for Romance Fantasy.
Like I said earlier there is no Romance, but if you look at it from a different perspective you can define the plot more as Self Love and Growth.
A prim and proper Lady being exposed to the ways of the world is really an eye-opener on how sheltered her life had been.
In a sense it's a more realistic approach on finding independace outside of duty and obligation, and experiencing how the world really works and functions.
I wish the author who draw this manhwa will change the ending a little bit.. feel a bit disappointed after reading the ending spoiler.. her father is a a*****e (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 he piss me off .. he didn't deserve to be forgiven after all..