Is this worth reading?

HorrorPretzel July 21, 2021 6:49 am

I read the first two chapters and was really uncomfortable with them sleeping together… she didn’t want it. Is this story good enough to look past that?

    Ireally❤LeviAckerman July 21, 2021 7:16 am

    Yes! She wasn’t forced. He asked if she felt comfortable with it (of course she was iffy bout it, and her father did impact her choice a lot). Riftan, the husband, is much more nicer and respectful than what he looks at first glance. He doesn’t treat her poorly, but the abuse that the father had given her makes her hesitate a lot. I say give it a shot!

    Arabella18 July 22, 2021 1:14 pm

    Riftan is extremely respectful towards Max, he always prioritize her and takes care of her all the time. But it takes a bit time to open himself ehehe but read it, you won't regret it trust me

    Just a fujoshi July 22, 2021 6:11 pm

    No, he didn't rape her but she was forced to do it by her father. I completely understand why you felt uncomfortable while reading it, I did too. Everything will be explained, give it a shot. And yes, it is worth reading if you like realistic character development but if you're more into fast-paced stories, this one is maybe not for you. And if you want to read the novel you can find it on lightnovelheaven